The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Gods wrath on the world . Started off with china aborting babies and now italy because of the Romans sins in the past .

We need to do the same as we did with the foot and mouth. Cancel all games and unnecessary travel.Total lock down.

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It’s not too far away I think.

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You just bet me to it. Shits getting real now.

I think SF need to ramp up the rallies, strike while the iron is hot. CHANGE


Why is coronavirus killing more men than women?


Tom Whipple

, Science Editor

Tuesday February 25 2020, 5.00pm GMT, The Times

Two months after the coronavirus outbreak began, the world’s epidemiologists at last have the key information they were missing to understand the disease: data.

China has published a detailed breakdown of the characteristics of the first 44,000 cases, and it doesn’t require a sophisticated understanding of the statistics to see the risk factors.

To avoid dying from this new virus don’t be old (15 per cent of those over 80 who catch it die, compared with 0 per cent of those under 10), don’t be already sick (10 per cent of those with heart disease die) — and don’t be male.

In its first six weeks almost equal numbers of males and females were infected by the disease, but after that their chances diverged markedly: 1.7 per cent of women went on to die, compared with 2.8 per cent of men.

There are two ways of explaining a discrepancy of that magnitude. One is that it reflects different behaviours. We know that men are less good at washing their hands, for instance, but that would explain higher infection rates, rather than higher death rates. We also know that in China men are far more likely to smoke, which might lead to a weakened immune system.

Most virologists suspect that a better explanation is more fundamental — not different behaviour, but different biology. This is far from the first outbreak to follow this pattern. With Sars, the related virus outbreak in 2003, the death rate among men was also 50 per cent higher. With Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, yet another coronavirus outbreak, it was 25 per cent higher.

In general, female immune systems just seem to be better adapted to fighting off viruses. When mice are deliberately infected, it is the males that take longer to recover. Why this might be is a matter of speculation. It has been suggested, for instance, that females need stronger immune systems so they can better pass on protective antibodies to their offspring.

There is a downside, however. A more powerful immune response also means a more powerful maladaptive immune response. Most sufferers from autoimmune diseases such as arthritis are also women.

This imbalance might also, incidentally, explain a less serious problem related to another coronavirus: the common cold. When men complain of the severity of their “man flu”, they may not be simply malingering — it really might be worse.

It must be a great time to be a Nazi, given that authorities are clearly going to have to start burning large piles of people who may or may not be affected by the virus. We’re going to see a lot scenes for real like the one in Come And See.

This is getting serious now public gatherings and public transport will be next to go. A complete breakdown of the global economy and ultimately society is on the cards. The Chinese sneeze and the rest of us are fooked. Ah well at least I saw us winning one All Ireland anyway.


Has anyone told you, you’re very similar to a guy who used post here?

I’m just after lighting a candle for the Limerick hurlers safe return. We can’t close the ports until then


They’re grand. Hegarty will swim them back two at a time on his back


Cabin in the rockies, i hardly knew ye

Yes, I’ve been compared numerous times to @BenShermin.

Was he a cunt as well?


No, unlike yourself he was a great guy.

Bring back Ben.

We should have sent him to China day one to deal with it

Fuck off virus. Job done.

Serious comment about this:

I can think of no better example of how absolutely pathetic and ineffectual our political class has become than Ireland’s reaction to the Coronavirus.

The Brits had ministers on the TV saying “It’s my job to be worried. Anyone who has travelled to these regions must self-isolate immediately”. In Ireland we got fucking nothing. Official Ireland doesn’t understand that they have to actually make an effort. They are lads who went to good schools and had everything done for them. All they had to do was turn up every day and do a decent Leaving Cert pretty handy. They have coasted their whole lives.

Irish people will die due to their inactivity.

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If people are dying in Italy it must have been there for a while and people misdiagnosed as flu. If that is the case it is everywhere but it is not as deadly as feared and we may just have to live with a new endemic disease.

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That was badly wanted in China. Total sausage fest over there after the wan child policy.