The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

This is your opportunity

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And in Cooley/Dundalk

Massive intervention by Boris similar action must be inevitable now at an EU level

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2/3 days to get it - and then 36 hour wait. - so that’s 4/5 days.


for a finish the chinese - got them in 4hrs.

They got you in for basic test, if they believed it was covid and not regular cold/flu - they did a ct scan of the lungs - when you showed further signs here you were then swabbed and had to wait 4 hours for your results and if positive you were shipped off to a centre, not back to your family home.

We have loads of them machines lying about the place

If people are properly self isolating I’m not too concerned with that kind of wait.
You have to be fair on this, it will take time plus you’ll have many people being tested who are not infected and basically just clogging up the system.

Testing will improve but all the test kits in the world ain’t worth a fuck to us if people are out & about taking the piss.


Lads pointing to China saying they have it under wraps and hoping that is good news for us need to realize how they did it.

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We can all watch the YouTube video to find that out

If testing can’t be scaled up then policy should assume everyone has it.

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I have it posted already for you 2 days ago.

You’ve done the nation a great service. Sidney had it up before that though.

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Whist will you, don’t be getting him wound up

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Sidney is banned.

I’m more wound up by number 7 in the gaa codex

Most of us have to get it bro. We cant stay locked up for 18 months …

Gone to his e-grave like Chocolate Mice, Robert Emmet and Mark Renton

Sid will be back in 2133 or some not too distant date like that.

All debt based though. Sunak going back to his Goldman sachs roots there.