The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Cyborg Sid will make his triumphant return and will immediately start a war with the lebanes.

Like terminator, but with boring political arguments instead of guns


Tried to have a productive day today.

I had a beeping smoke alarm which is wired in and attached to ceiling.

When I tried to open it to change the back up battery it would not budge. Eventually it came apart but the base came away from the ceiling. I’m rubbish at DIY but decided today was the day. I headed to Woodies (which was open but had very few customers and they had a staff member at entrance to dispense hand sanitizer). I bought a drill, some screws and rawl plugs. I bought a teapot too as I thought it might come in handy. Bought the new battery. Like all Woodies trips I spent way more than i intended and was bemused at how the fuck it all cost that much. Out to car and I hand sanitized my hands before the drive home. There was a queue of about 40 cars into the McDonalds drive thru.

I came home, washed my hands and opened up the drill. I discovered I had to buy drill bits separately so back in the car, more hand sanitizer on way in, picked up drill bits, hand santiizer in car again, washed hands and off i went.

I marked my two spots near where the original screws were as I figured that would lessen my chances of electrocuting myself. I started to drill and got a load of dust into my eyes. A trip to the Eye and Ear was all I needed. I used some eye drops and rinsed my eyes and went upstairs to find some old swimming Goggles. The drilling went well and i reattached the base with the rawl plugs and screws I acquired earlier. I then reattached the alarm without too much hassle.

I cut the grass and listened to a David McWilliams podcast.

I also bought a frame for a picture I had bought at Christmas and hung it up. It seemed a good day to do it


Labane is ignoring all current and future versions of Sid, although I’m not sure which drives him more psychotic, engaging with him or ignoring him. I’ll go with the former for safety.

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Girl in whatsapp group i’m in —

‘‘My sister is waiting since Saturday and she was called today by the HSE to say be patient there are 819 people to be tested before her’’

I hope you told her to stop being such a whinging gowl

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What the fuck are you doing in a group with a girl for??


That’s not nice.

Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind

Her sister is dying you prick.

Well the test won’t do much for her then

I told her that - she’s just looking for an excuse not to go to her funeral as you can still get the covid from the dead - so the rumour goes.

The lads with the toxic masculinity seeping out of them are really going to struggle during this

If Baldy Johnny says it, it must be true

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He won’t be so brave when one of them has to wipe his arse.

292 cases here and about 6,600 tests carried out to date. About 1 in 20 of those tested have a positive. Don’t forget those tested are considered high risk by a GP/HSE.

The results today though are likely from tests Fri/Sat and those are people requested for testing earlier than that so def a lag too

It’s not really. We are still bang on the 30% trend. That will start to compound really quickly from here on.

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Just back from a local car parade that was only announced at 5PM. Must have been 50 cars out. Great sense of community, touching to see the old people on their door steps waving. I’m an awful cynic but I really enjoyed it.


France doing the same.

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What are the hospitals like?

Are they purposely not releasing what they are like?

I know the staff are complaining they had to reuse cleaning gowns and other gear but nothing really else.

It’s a pity there wasn’t someone whose wife was a nurse who could tell us.

This emphasizes the importance of getting screening tests up and running everywhere. 95% of those tested have a cold or at worst the flu, so in reality the best for everyone is for them to stay at home and get better. The more people that are infected with colds and flu from carriers, the more demand there will be for diagnostic tests and the more clogged up doctor’s offices and hospitals will get.

Drive through screening tests in every city and town are a big part of the answer here.