The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Very wise thoughts from the Taoiseach about avoiding social media.


These are extraordinary times

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Will not entertain a jar of any chocolate spread in the house.
It is the most vile creation ever.
Would rather the kids eat bovril


Awful grandstanding by Varadkar. What a wanker.


Is this site deemed social media ???

What I’d give for some Cadbury Dairymilk now…

anti-social media

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That’s supposedly an old Chinese* curse. “May you live in interesting times”

*It is not

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He was looking for a reeling in the years moment.

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Thought that was a good speech by Leo. Good balance of severity without inducing panic.

Verona Murphy will be delighted with the shout out for the haulage industry. Obviously still some fondness there.


You’d rob a few old women for one, wouldn’t you? And then tell them they’ve no right to healthcare because “the economy”.

That’s how you roll.

I find answering his posts with a sarky comment works well.

The man is dangerously insane. Any fella engaging him here is wasting their time


A traveller call out video would have been better than Leo.

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That’s my hawse

Im giving that a like

He’s about 2 dozen of them already.

I watched it with a strange detachment. It was a bit surreal

Leo only warning is what we knew a few weeks ago but people still won’t stay at home and only go out when absolutely necessary.
As for the cunts that went to the pub and Cheltenham, fuck them all.

I just sell the stuff chief.

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