The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Nothing new there really.

Sorry did not know you were in the business apologies

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That Kylie fanboy can fuck off for himself. No one is buying his bullshit.

Disgraceful leadership. Wasnt expecting anything else.

But it is interesting

I think everyone was awaiting an announcement of a full lockdown

He literally makes things up off a whim, so it suits his deranged opinion that he is right about everything and anything.

“You’d happily see millions die, wouldn’t you.”

“You’re delighted this virus is killing off elderly people.”

“You hate freedom.”

He is dangerous. A complete crackpot. Lovely when he bites - and he always bites - but you don’t give him a response.

If not an outright ban, please keep him off this thread @Rocko

Cocooning. Was new.


Some lads just wanna watch the world burn

That’s next . Seal off the dubs first

The far right’s hatred of free speech rears it ugly head again. This @dodgy_keeper has totally lost the plot.

Lashing out badly now.

We’re trying to get our parents to stay the fuck in. Hopefully this speech will influence them.

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No. Tipperary

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Some very odd comments from him in the past hour or two. I’d say he’ll get himself banned within a week or so, he’ll make another left-field comment like the one he made to ArtFoley.


Anyone can be a helms man when the seas are calm. Leo is a strong hand on the tiller. We’ll need it before we’re out the other side of this.


Leo should call a snap election after that.

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Great speech from Leo. To the point , honest, no bullshit. As someone who can’t stand the cunt, I felt he showed great leadership.


The drink aisles in lidl were empty this evening lads breaking there back trying to stack shelves people still fearing full lock down.

Didn’t @artfoley regularly accuse Sid of rape?

That’s a banning offence in its own right, surely?

@myboyblue accused a prominent Limerick hurler of rape too.

Lads getting set for the Christmas

It was a good speech.

He really relayed the seriousness of the issue and simultaneously tried to relieve anxiety of the most at risk.