The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

A three week lockdown followed by an immediate election.

There was no mention of Free Gaffs.

I watched it from the kitchen, cooking a curry.

Perlimbacher was even dry.

Lovely scenes there with the home footage of virtual parades.

We’ll be grand lads.

“In future let them say: when things were at their worst, we were at our best”

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You’re ok.

The dad and son in athlon was quite touching there own parade.

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Nice to see SF and FF row in behind the Taoiseach there.

Where the fuck are the Greens?

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The clip of the grandparents outside the window had me in tears.

Jaysus Sharon could not sit still on that chair!

it was as good as you expect anyone to make in the circumstances, I am not sure who else people would prefer to be making it

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Burning rubbish out the back


Varadkar has fucked us.

Are we seeing a simultaneous log on event here?

Where they often are, cloud fucking cuckoo land

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It’s the small things in life that makes you appreciate the times we are living in at present

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"When the surge comes, and it will come. Never before will so many ask so much of so few "

why didn’t he close the country so?