The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The Brits and the French are charging interest for it Mike. Think thatā€™s being overlooked and is scandolous in my opinion.

Still better than where we stand currently though.

@Dziekanowski whatā€™s your view here? Genuinely interested.

Fuck sake, thereā€™s a time for political point scoring and this isnā€™t it. Gobshites.


Why would you wait to see if it works?

Yeah, who does this Varadkar fella think think he is, the head of gubbermint or something?

Agree 100%ā€¦ Varadkar using this for his own ends is disgusting.

What would expect from a pig but a grunt. She wonā€™t be getting my senate vote now.


The Fine Gaelers should be ashamed of themselves, squandering any goodwill after Varadkarā€™s speech.

Such divisiveness is unbecoming.

But the u.s. are talking about giving money to the ordinary Joe Soap. Nothing to do with loans or interest.

Thereā€™s a good 8 weeks (at least!) of this ahead of usā€¦ Nowā€™s as good a time as any.

Meanwhile our trocaire boxes are due back soon

Youā€™re getting as tiresome as the other lad.

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Leo using some Churchill style lines as well will drive the shinners and barstoolers off their rockers. Delighted.

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Youā€™re at nothing around here nowadays without half a dozen aliases. It grows wearisome.

Donnelly is getting ripped to shreds in his replies


Canā€™t see that happening here Mike, if Macron is charging interest on the French government loans. I would have thought in a global pandemic a former Rothschild banker would have known better.

What? Was that meant for me?

This could relegate SF back to where they were before all the change stuff became popular.

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It was indeed Tom

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Im glad he is!