The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

A treacherous cunt

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Only the central banks can do what is necessary, Europe needs a strong leader to bully the ECB into submission. The EU bureaucrats have been conspicuous by their absence, useless cunts.

To Increase the fiscal burden on the state rather than the individual. The UK are maintaining an Economics over people policy however long that will last, we want that influence to wane asap!

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Dunno kid. If the current state of play has taught me anything, it’s that nothing is off the table. Maybe @labane1917can enlighten us more about the idea on stateside

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shut up you geebag… Youre happy out that your taoiseach is more concerned with tipping the cap to the UK than actually laying out a few measures that they intend to take. All he said was sneeze into your elbow and stay off social media.

I did this 2 weeks ago. A revelation.


In a negative interest climate the ECB probably could print money endlessly. They’ll charge for it though which in a crisis is surely unethical.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but inflation isn’t exactly a worry?

More importantly lads, could Tipp retain their title defacto. I couldn’t handlethat

A nerdy post showing the growth in posting on this topic.

Left axis and the bars show the number of posts per day.
Right axis and the line shows the number of new cases in the 26 counties per day (as I quickly put them together).


Tipp did untold by going to Spain.

Delaying taxes due for 3 months (taxes are due in April) for individuals and businesses, checks directly to people who have lost their jobs, bailouts to the airlines and small businesses.

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Jamie Bryson thought it was a great ‘fight them on the beeches’ type speech… Says it all.

Massive deflation is the worry, we can worry about inflation later.


Grand so. Plenty of room for the asterisk

Boris is actually offering business loans, doubtless over the base rate.

I’ve another one for you if you want to add to that list

Their selfishness, much like the Cheltenham brigade won’t be forgotten when this is over


No worries about the huge hike in the dole queues for people in the hotels, food, pub sector?

It’s not sustainable longterm.

Massive deflation is always the reaction among others when you post.

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Just put him on ignore.

Here goes. Could be like our own TFK vaccine.