The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

After Christmas many clubs will hope!

Were they as shocked as the rest of us to find out that the kids existed in the first place?

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Kah-roh-na will you come in for yizzer dinner

You’d do well to listen to MBB, he’s an expert on confinement


Massively, I told them shortly after I told you


I’ll be hosting Skype tutorials from tomorrow. Free of charge, I won’t be profiteering from this.

Prolly mentioned but ex Dublinn Hurler Micheal Carton has it

According to the study linked temp has a higher effect on the reproductive number than humidity @ 4% & 2% respectively (with minor rounding) at an application of 1 degree Celsius or 1 % humidity increase.

Its valuable documentation but needs perspective given the scale of the pandemic.

Milan has an average temp in April of 18 degrees , to eradicate the virus * we’d need an average temp of 43 degrees consistently to eradicate and that’s average not a daily high at 3pm in the sun.

  • Not including the % that warming may have already had during March to contribute to any flattening of the curb, again to many bloody variables. People are getting sick , let’s do the Economic calculations afterwards.

Did it not spread like wild fire in Qatar which contradicted all of the heat related theories? Or was that just because they had all the stadium workers housed up in shanty accommodation on top of each other?

The 7 habits of highly effective kidnappers

You have a good mind

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Seriously. Why not call to the house and get the parents to stay in the house and the kids in the garden

Neither, I’m told, were the Spartans. But then the Spartans weren’t Irishmen

Yeah , Singapore too in the early stages.
Beyond everyone living in a steam room the temp/humidity theories offer little comfort.


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My missus got off the phone this evening with her single late thirties sister who is a teacher. She was damn glad to have me, warts and all, after getting off the phone with her.

Leo’s speech , no partys no parades, what about no mass .


I see our stupid friend has once again displayed a basic misunderstanding of what the EU is.

You’d expect somebody who wades into the topic to at least know that healthcare is a national competency for EU members, not an EU one, and other EU members all have their own individual battles to fight on the same front.

But I suppose that’s irrelevant when you’re pushing a Russian agenda which aims to actually split up by far the world’s most successful multilateral organisation. Truth is irrelevant.

The same guy also vilifies Cuba, China and Venezuela with an outright venom that he doesn’t even try to conceal. Cuba, China and Venezuela very generously sent doctors and aid to Italy.

This is the same guy who thinks Cuba has a shit healthcare system despite it having had a higher life expectancy than the US for pretty much the entirety of its existence, despite an anti-freedom economic blockade against it.

Can you catch the common flu more than once?