The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

If Italy are 2 weeks ahead of us and did everything wrong and have 31k cases and a population of 60m, why do they expect us to have 15k in 2 weeks


The rate of transmission. The R number.

We made mistakes too.

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More than they did?

Did they have 50k people return from a 4 day festival in a country that had community transmission and no restrictive measures?

We visited Mrs Macs parents today and we all stood a good 3-4 yards away as the kids played around in their yard. Our eldest lad was struggling to understand why he couldn’t give his Granny a hug but at the same time it meant they got to connect and see each other. Things are difficult but not impossible. We’re fortunate (or unfortunate depending on how you think of it) in that they’re only 10 mins walk down the road from us so its not as simple as this for others who may have to drive for hours and then consciously separate which may be weird or cause stress.

The one concern I took from Leos speech was his comment on cocooning. It sounds like a potential death sentence for older folks.


I’m close too so try and do it everyday

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Protect us from a police state Sinn Fein

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Out of interest, how did you find a Tweet from a lad on Twitter who only has 5 followers?


I have. But Shur it’s not the same

The hashtags pop up if you’re going through

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If it was effective you lot wouldn’t have rumbled it

They had serie a games

He sounds like a pure mouthpiece. He probably posts here.

This is the brutal reality. You need to be aware of everywhere you go, every single movement you make, even talking, breathing.

It was a cold morning a couple of days ago and I could see my breath hanging in the air and how far it travelled. That’s the scariest illustration of how likely everybody is to get this thing.

We won’t know until it happens. Hopefully the measures we are taking now will help


Same. Fucking surreal and bizzarre experience.

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Can you catch the common flu more than once? Does anyone know?


Hasn’t everyone?