The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


And itā€™s a very dubious study also.

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Well Freddie Mercury died from AIDS so there is a sort of precedent there.

Lot of A negatives around here be fucked so.

Be fairly funny if nobody could attend her funeral all the same.

Though at this stage Iā€™d prefer to see Morrissey catch it and Lizzie escape.

No mention of the pending issue of closing the EU border as Schengen if the tans wonā€™t align. Puts us in bad company

And a baby boom come december.

Getā€™s people immune quicker so they canā€™t spread it. Get R0 below 1 and it will die off pretty quickly.

Unless it mutatesā€¦

It will anyway, but if itā€™s like itā€™s cousin SARS-1 it wonā€™t mutate to a new strain in a year. If we can fight it off or develop a vaccine we might kill the cunt.

Who will be the first TFKā€™er to murder their partner or divorce them.

Set up a poll @Julio_Geordio.

Of course it was surreal. Mrs Macā€™s parents probably didnā€™t know who you were.


They loved the choons though

Hrs not all bad

McWilliams podcast good again. A couple of drugs seem to be working against this




The banks will stretch themselves and do everything they possibly can to assist the people during this crisis. Iā€™m sure of it.

Of 200,000 people infected worldwide there is a high percentage of celebrities/Sports stars getting it. Iā€™m suspicious!!!

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Pascal needs to lay down the law to the Irish banks we own anyways,the others will have to follow suit. Us plebs arenā€™t the only ones who owe the banks money.

Itā€™s a commy virus. Itā€™s attacking the elite