The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Doesn’t this make the herd immunity thing a kind of red herring then. I mean if you’ve beaten the flu you have antibodies but can still get it. I know there are different strains but I don’t think you become completely immune


Will you at least be some bit truthful. There was hardly 50k in Cheltenham on the Tuesday I’d say. Not to mind 50k Irish people. Around 5-10k came home from Cheltenham. Over 20k came home from Spain which is riddled with virus In the past seven days. The virus in 99 percent of cases begins to show symptoms after 5 days so people in Cheltenham last Tuesday would likely be down with now but we had very little new cases in comparison to other countries With an extremely high testing rate. We are line with Germany and the likes where there is a death rate of around 0.2 percent.

Sorry, tens of thousands.
It was a mistake regardless of the number

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It’s a cure for the wave next year as far as I can figure out, but they’re different viruses so I presume different rules apply. They’re still figuring this one out at any rate.

Would you believe Other Half has already half seriously suggested this as a name. It’s unisex too, apparently. I’ve sadly had to put my foot down.

I don’t get how it can be a viable strategy given that they don’t know if people can be reinfected yet. As you said, nobody knows. Big gamble to try get to 60% for something that may or may not work, or where there may or not be a second wave

Forgive my ignorance but Leo saying we have a good credit rating and will be able to borrow whatever we need to get us through. From who, China? ECB?

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They are extrapolating as if Ireland had no mitigation efforts. Would be surprised if Irish cases were north of 3K in 2 weeks.


Basically they are offering up the doomsday scenario just in case. This won’t be anywhere near as bad as people are making out if we went into a total lock down. We’d be ready to rumble in the middle of may.

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They don’t know for certain but going by previous strains it should be one and done for the majority

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What about covid 19 instead?

Not the same strain. The flu (nobody calls it the common flu) mutates easily, so each season there’s a new strain that existing vaccines don’t work against, and immunity may not work against if it has mutated enough. That’s why they recommend a flu shot for older people every year.

Blood Type A shown to be more susceptible to the virus.

Type O more resistant.

Sources available online.


No, because corona viruses don’t mutate that much. Influenza viruses mutate like fuck. SARS vanished without a trace, we can only hope the same for this fucker.

Anything there on the rarer types? I share B- with my mother

So in what logical scenario does infecting as much people as possible make any sense whatsoever?

Imagine if the Queen caught Covid 19.

Shes in the target demograph Boris wants wiped out