The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

His Daughter wants my head on a spit.


Dinny is broke

Pearse Doherty talking a lot of sense on SOR. his wife, a teacher, has registered as a nurse



How does this work? Can anyone be a nurse now?

For fuck sake.

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Agree with @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and others when it was said that Leo should have used last night for a countrywide lock down.

Denmark have gone to closing down all stores/shopping centres/restaurants/bars etc and no groups more than 10 in private or public along with social distancing. All boarders have been closed.

No fucking way! This lad was one of my bessers in China. If there’s a way of coining it from this he’ll have found it.

I’ll fight every single wan of ye a man at a time

She used to be one 12 years ago he said.

It’s a tough time and he has a tough job so i dont want to be negative … but that was a load of nothing really last night. Ok, some old people and the likes might have taken comfort from it so that’s something and it’s good to hear from the gov instead of silence … but anyone that’s following this, which is everyone, learned nothing from his speech. They’ve known about this properly for nearly 2 months now and at the start they were clearly more concerned with the economy than the human side of it, but that’s obviously changed since… but the horse has bolted now and we either go full lock down for a couple of weeks or we are pissing against the wind. Flights are still landing and people are still out working and mingling.

They shot the idea of a national gov down straight away and a bit of me cant help but feel Leo, while of course is genuine in his concern and efforts, is also using this for his own good,


He had no news though Good or bad but his speech appears to have resonated with the vast majority and brought people together. That is the sign of a wonderful speech.


I get that, and that’s great … but that was probably last month’s speech — we are way beyond that at this stage. We now need decisive action.

agreed, for rational people it was disappointing.

For bed wetters such as @padjo & @anon78624367 it meant a lot

This is it.

There’s a lot of emotion around this and lot’s of people were clearly still not fully clued in to what’s actually going on. It’s time to lock us down now for a bit and I hope last night was just a rallying call to unify before imminent action.

I seem to be getting the brunt of this kind of stuff for grasping the seriousness of this very early while youse lads were going to league of Ireland matches and heading off to Cheltenham.

We had lads on here saying to let it run its course and it will only kill the old and weak, sure what harm.

It’s the lads with the false machismo are going to suffer hardest here.

soz bro, will be hard enough for you to shake this now