The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Glastonbury cancelled

I see the Lokomotiv Leipzig goalkeeper is now suspected of having it. Thereā€™s hardly any need for the players of his most recent opponents Tottenham Hotspur to bother self-isolating as they didnā€™t get close enough to him last Tuesday night to be infected.


Hopefully, that means I was wrong and people wonā€™t die. Ye can all turn on me as much as you want, if it helps you and we get out of this fucked up situation as soon as possible.

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@flattythehurdler are they taking it seriously over there yet? From talking to a colleague today I was left to conclude they arenā€™t really bothered at all. He has two face to face meetings with clients arranged for today and is going ahead with them

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Has anyone dared have a take away or a meal out since this broke here?

Yes, it is important to support local bidnesses

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Sure we canā€™t eat Italian or Chinese. Thereā€™s fuck all else in limerick, even the chippers arenā€™t safe

Of course itā€™s for the blueshirts benefit. Theyā€™ve used the crisis as an excuse to bring back John concannon who used to run the strategic comms unit. Itā€™s cynical

what does that mean/ whats the implication

ā€œNever waste a crisis to impose change on an uncooperative workforceā€. Milton Friedman.


RB Leipzig are not the same club as Lokomotiv Leipzig

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Still not grasping it fully, just buying toilet rolls and pasta. Not helped by the Government not committing to anything. Well apart from announcing a state backed 320 billion quids worth of a new version of Wonga.


Confirmed case in my workplace. Stay out of the bushes people


Starting to, our business introduced fairly extensive measures last night. Including telling anyone with underlying chronic health conditions to cocoon for 12 weeks.

It would be poetic justice if that cunt Johnson died from the virus.


what company?

This is it. The 330bn ā€œbailoutā€ is in fact, a thinly disguised govt bond scheme only at higher rates. Cummings- Johnson really do despise the population they govern.
Go figure.