The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

But youā€™re talking about massive economic decisions here bro - cancelling the Patrickā€™s Day weekend, that has massive implications. All those decisions donā€™t exist in a vacuum.

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Mistakes were made, no doubt, Cheltenham being the big one. We were wise to what was going on at that stage. However once people left the country we had to bring them back. We simply canā€™t abandon our citizens abroad no matter how misguided they were in going abroad in the first place.


20k from Spain had to be brought home.

I think they were economy focused at the start to be honest. They took their eye off the ball with the rest as a resultā€¦ They now realize we are fucked.

They made 50k people unemployed last weekend.

20k yes. And we had to bring them home. Theyā€™re our citizens and our responsibility to look after.


Yeah ā€” but they could have advised not going at allā€¦ there was no chatter at all.

Look - not everyone has the level of military planning, alertness and calmness under pressure that you and the rest of your Shinner comrades have. A lot of people in Ireland actually took comfort from the speech last night.

I honestly imagine if he didnā€™t do a speech youā€™d have on going ā€œWhereā€™s Leo - he needs to come out and reassure people and get the message outā€

I suppose what Iā€™m saying is that youā€™re basically an argumentative contrarian cunt but I love you bro and accept you as you are.

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Weā€™re not fucked you screaming Mary. We will get through this and it will be difficult enough without pisspantses like you whining on the sidelines.


Yes and I actually think because the fear was getting real by Thursday people co operated a lot more. If last Monday week theyā€™d moved to close pubs and what not I think a lot of people would have slated them and ignored them. I think people are listening which is good.

More handwringing than a Green party parliamentary meeting.

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Yes people are scaremongering now because Leo is doing a good job. Our level of testing is absolutely unreal, the country is united but the key is moving into a full lock down. We need to be in my Friday imo or at the latest next Monday. I presume the delay is getting people home from their holidays and getting the army in place plus redeploying people back into the health service.

Was that one shared on The Ratoath Inn group chat?

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Iā€™ve said already that he/they deserve kudos for at least talking and being seen - it does comfort people. Iā€™ll ignore your shinner barb as I dont want this to be a political point scoring thingā€¦ I was just hoping for more decisive action- I have been all alongā€¦ and while the speech did bring comfort to many i still think it should have been a few weeks ago and we are way beyond that - we are seeing many countries shutting down and closing borders. I hope last night was an attempt to unify before getting heavy over the next few days.

I still love you.


Be brave pet.

Courage 5-31
Fear 3-6


We all hoping for decisive action but Iā€™d believe his hands are tied. Getting people home is probably the main one. I can see what you are saying re lock down.

Travel restrictions from northern Italy should have been a no brainer once they knew. It eventually took Italy themselves to make this call. We still have no travel restrictions with the GB. The first would have slowed down the outbreak and lessened the economic impact.

Of course weā€™ll get through it you gimpy cunt. How well will be decided by those at the top and theyā€™ve failed so farā€¦ if your happy to accept any auld sentimental shite then fair enough. But iā€™d like a bit more and Iā€™ll be as vocal as I like about it.

You should don the green jersey and quit playing politics

It was a nothing, self serving speech with no specific measures announced when other countries have already rolled out lots of support programmes. A load of cuddly guff about ringing your nana and so on.

The fawning reaction in many quarters shows how easily Irish people are duped and explains why weā€™ve had one shit government after another for years.

Horrible politicking by Varadkar, whoā€™s actually fought tooth and nail to deny healthcare workers decent pay and conditions, and then patronisingly gave them a call to arms while paraphrasing Winston Fucking Churchill. Jesus wept.

I was tempted to arrange a large social gathering after listening to it. It was disgusting opportunism.

As an aside, we need an All Ireland approach to this crisis and Sinn Fein are the biggest party on the island by far, with elected representatives in every single one of the 32 counties. Itā€™s time for Varadkar and Foster to step aside for the good of the island and to allow Mary Lou and Michelle steer us through these stormy waters.