The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I was supposed to have a vendor on site today but heā€™s not allowed in as his son tested positive for the Coronavirus :fearful:


Nail salons closed
Lash salons closed
Hair salons closed
Tanning salons closed
Waxing salons closed

Itā€™s about to get ugly out there lads, stay safe


Hardly a conspiracy. All verifiable facts

Is that the new name for pubs?

Or is it more like something Graham Dwyer would have been into?

a lesson from history

Fuck Bulgaria must be sickened. @Smark, did you have much down on this?

The great Joe Brolly is on the same page as myself. What a mighty relief. I also thought it was nauseous and deeply cynical stuff from Varadkar last night. I despise the cunt with every fibre of my being.


I had a great grand uncle who died of it, I remember my grandmother telling me about it a few years back.

Never questioned the facts - just the usual cynicism to ascribe it to some sort of conspiracy.

Gov: This is a critical national emergency and keeping the country unified in mission and informed as to best actions is a key part of what is required. Lets figure out how to do this as well as possible

Art unrolling the tinfoil: This is a blatant effort by FG to further their political aims and standing - they are using the virus to fool us all. Why canā€™t you all see through it? Why are you all sheep?

Iā€™m tranquilo mate.
It wasnā€™t my decision. I have accepted the things I cannot change.
She has agreed that trying to get the kids into college in Ireland is now a good idea.
My pre-planning meeting was cancelled

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Boris is doing incredible work on making British exports cheaper (dont mind the increased input costs).
A 10% currency deflation in a little over a week is Argentinian.

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I think the worry for Ireland is that because of UK ineptitude it will be treated the same by the world because of an open border.

I think this is the key point. Varadkar et al are in the middle of a storm - they donā€™t have time to be political point scoring. And the address to the nation last night was correct and fitting - after the strangest National Holiday ever in the midst of a global health crisis,

Varadkar can be a very impressive leader when he wants to be. Should the election be held after this crisis, FG are walking back in.


That speech was due 2/3 weeks ago pal. We are way beyond that ā€¦ they were slow out of the blocks on this and they are still behind what needs to be doneā€¦ the comforting part is greatā€¦ but we are at code red now. Sentimentality has sailed a few weeks back.

It was fairly well received by most it would seem in what are utterly surreal and bizarre times. I saw a lot of ā€œI wouldnā€™t vote for him in a heartbeat but that was a good speechā€ type feedback last night.

I think thereā€™ll have to be another election when the initial panic dies down. The country is going to be in a totally different place, financially and emotionally, and none of the parties election manifestos are up to scratch now. Another election where itā€™s put to the people how best to rebuild the economy, society etc.

His hands are tied and the E.U are the blame in some instances. He had to get people in and out of the country. It isnā€™t as easy sadly as flicking a switch. I agree we need to move to full lock down quickly. In in fairness he pulled the schools quick and got the pubs sorted too.

The seethe is strong.

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Iā€™ve already said I appreciate the tough job ā€” but iā€™ve been consistent enough in looking for tighter measures on this from the off. They failed to take the correct measures for whatever reason at the start. They continued to let flights stream in from Italy after the first case hereā€¦ even then, they should have issued a call for anyone who had been to Italy to make themselves known and to self Isolate ā€¦ they issued no travel warning to Cheltenham goers ā€¦ they only cancelled Paddyā€™s day because of public anger, not off their own planning. Even now, everyone arriving in to the country is free to go as they please ā€¦ possibly setting off another chain reaction.

Last night said nothing to anyone who has been following this and is checking in with a bit of logicā€¦ what the reaction tells me is that most of the country are still rather clueless about this and where we are really at. Is that a failure on them or that Leo didnt deliver this message earlier?

When the shit hits the fan in a few weeks this is going to be bigger than Leo and the two Simons ā€” I think he needs to form some sort of national gov but he doesnt seem interested.


The EU? Half the EU have gone and shut their own borders themselves.