The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Nobody will be in work so we are getting a good preview of what things will be like under Sinn Fein.


I can’t.

Because they are imaginary?

No. They aren’t.

I can work from home. Fuck sake.

@anon7035031 I thought this was dying out last week? It seems like it’s exploded in the last few days. Why?

Have we a homeopathic fix yet. Nasal spray? Kimchi??

Complacency, figures down in China who have done a serious job in containing it…

Numbers are actually falling. It’s just we don’t value Chinese lives as highly as Italians.

Has anybody died in Italy? And the age profile please.

11 now. The Italians fucked up and infected a hospital of sick old people

Bollix. Our local pharmacist has a son in HK. He said when China reported 500 it was close on 25,000.

It’s not dying out. The Chinese changed their criteria for infection, essentially you have to be hospitalized with pneumonia now for them to count you. I wouldn’t pay any attention to numbers from China, they’re just lying. Pay attention to the numbers outside China, Korea, Japan, Italy and wherever there is an outbreak.

It’s looking more like a pandemic I’m afraid, probably no way to stop it now.


I’ll have to go out again this weekend. The country will be shut down shortly


As pointed out on the news there what’s to stop a few thousand Italians coming to Dublin anyway for the weekend. What difference does cancelling the match make? Unless the logical next step is to ban all air travel to Italy and other effected areas.

+1 before we all enter Mad Max mode

No point having money in the bank when civilisation collapses


Only 3% of Italian coronavirus patients have died, and all of them had pre-existing conditions, Walter Ricciardi of the World Health Organisation told a Rome press conference Tuesday. “We must scale back this great alarm,” said Ricciardi, a former director at Italy’s Higher Health Institute (ISS).

Of 100 sick people, 80 get well of their own accord, 15 have serious but manageable problems, 5% are extremely serious, of which 3% die. Furthermore, as you know, all the people who died already had serious health conditions.

He said the alarm “is right, is not to be underestimated, but the disease must be placed within the correct terms”.

So far. You can’t calculate the fatality rate until the rest recover.

The good news is it seems to have no effect on kids

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I like Walter. His name suggests a safe pair of hands, reminds me of Walter Zenga.