The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Don’t worry about that… Have a peep at the opening wording of paragraph 2 and ask yourself, would you send a child to be educated by a mong like this…Grrrr…
Richel is possibly a cardigan wearing, pipe-smoking, hill-walking fuckwit.

That’s as badly a written letter as I’ve seen in years

"The HSE are currently in a meeting "


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All 100,000 of them

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“There are concerned”
Fuck me as a student if you wrote that 30 years ago, you wouldn’t be able to write for a week with the bating youd get


The country is fucked under FG and people want change.

Slam dunk being the phrase a lot of legal eagles use these days; Basic points -
IRFU = Exists
Irish Government = Does not exist

Yes…the elite few get to go skiing meanwhile everyone else has to take time iff work to taje care of kids.

Hardly the elite. The fact that you noticed all these schools go skiing is a sign of a booming economy.

If you’re young and healthy. If you’re older and have a health condition be greatly alarmed!

On the bright side, it might sort out the waiting lists.

You cant get things wrong these days with the INTERNET. I’d rather a lash of a ruler than then backlash that woman is going to get

Look here for instance, her name has been mocked, and she’s been vilified for making a mistake and she under savage pressure

You stupid fucker.


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There are some posters such as @anon7035031 @tallback @tazdedub and @padjo that are showing way too much glee about this all

You’d want to be an awful mug not to be going on at least one skiing trip a year.

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Bob Geldof is posting here. Unreal.

The people who go on February skiing trips are the same people who attend autumn* rubby internationals.

*played in winter

You’d be safer in Ethiopia than in Cork.

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