The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

We’ll need a new thread in about 10 hours anyway…

One possible reason - sterling is now worth $1.175. It was $1.198 early this morning and was $1.32 just 10 days ago. Movement against the euro is some 80-85% of that over the same time.

Smiling Rishi is going to earn his ministerial pay

Be careful lads …

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Hearing similar from people within civil service in London. Schools to go on Friday.

Taxi drivers in ballyfermot have got together to provide free taxi services for the old and vulnerable to get out and do there shopping.
Not missing a trick Tesco have coat tailed the taxi drivers act of kindness and have set aside the hours of 8-9 am as pensioner only shopping.

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Dunnes have gone with 11am to 1pm here in Cork.

Pretty shameful of Brolly to use the National Broadcast as a way of getting publicity.


Thick cunts in Tesco forgot to allow most pensioners collect there pension and then shop. Post offices not open till 9

It was a much wider interview where he talked about the GAA and the UK approach — he’s not sharing the edited version around himself. He’s not wrong in my opinion. It was an election speech - but we’ll leave it there as now is not the time to fall out.

NI schools will be announced closed within the hour i’m hearing.


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The GAA. In fairness.

And yet here we are. That’ll be the Constitution for you I imagine?

My teacher/ lecture friends have just discovered group phone/video calls on whattsapp … My life is over.

Should see the first big increase in number of cases today. Testing was increased on Monday and it takes 48 hours for the results…

overs/unders ?

I said between 397 and 402 so we’ll go Over/Under 399.5 total cases

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