The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Are you giving all this spiel to your extended relations who toddled off to Spain?

Eldest is doing her junior cert got a message to say she has to log onto online portal to learn at 4 o clock today

1 went and yes, i did.

Your mortgages are taking a holiday

There were a good few Brexiteers here as well and now it seems they’re moaning about the Brits taking back control.

This will surely have a huge knock on effect for third level institutions as there will be no first year classes next September and a huge hole in their income due to lack of fees

It is all a mess to be fair.
This virus has not even got out of 2nd gear and has the whole world on tender hooks.
Please let the clutch slip so we never hot 5th gear

In my friends workplace they were checking employees temperature before entering the building. Word got out to lads that weren’t in yet and people were arriving on wearing hats and being sent home with a high temperature :joy:


what’s unlisted @Bandage?


There should be an amnesty for students, like the time everyone was given a driving licence without sitting the test around 40 years ago.


No idea, hit something with my fat finger.


One would assume employers would weed out the numpties when going for interviews. Heres to hoping anyhow

Can’t see the thread on the main page now :upside_down_face:

Have you a high temperature?

We’re fucked.


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@Rocko can you amend @Bandage ‘s error

There’s lads having a hard enough time without this happening.