The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I watched a BBC News report from a research lab in Cambridge where a scientist working on developing a vaccine for Covid-19 explained the worldwide co-operation which was taking place on this work.
I also watched a WHO news conference where a similar message was reported.
I also watched President Trump’s press conference! What a ****!
He started by calling it a Chinese virus.
He then implied that the search for a vaccine was an American effort.

He really is a complete wanker.


Just over 2,000

It’s almost 3,000 now over there.

I think around 2,000 were killed in the Twin Towers terror attack, for way of comparison.

3,000 twin towers
8,249 dead worldwide from COVID-19

Spanish Flu 50,000,000

And roughly how many worldwide deaths from the common flu in the same time period?

The coronavirus death toll in Italy has increased by 475, the highest number so far in a single day, according to the latest figures from the Civil Protection Agency.

In total the death toll from the virus in the country, the worst affected in Europe by the outbreak, has now reached 2,978 - an increase of 19%, Reuters reported.

The total number of cases in Italy, the European country hardest hit by the virus, rose to 35,713 from a previous 31,506, up 13.35%

Of those originally infected, 4,025 had fully recovered compared to 2,941 the day before. Some 2,257 people were in intensive care against a previous 2,060.

Is that a net increase of 700 in ICU?

Seems to be. Jesus!

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McWilliams mentioned this one

Have we an update this evening ?

It’s all McWilliams this, McWilliams that with you…

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6.45 I think.

I worry for Granduncle Giancarlo.

Ever since he went to a Rovers game I’ve liked him



No Trip To Tipp this year.

That’s a huge blow to outdoor live music festivals on top of Glastonbury cancelling.

Just seeing there that there’s a few big brother shows on around the world that either dont know or were just told about the virus. Some mind fuck.