The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I fucking hate that cunt Gary Neville but at the same time I think heā€™s a wonderful, wonderful guy.


Iā€™ve never heard Paschal Donoghue speak before. Is he partially deaf or is he just gay?

How many new cases we predicting today? Iā€™m going for 80 +/- 2



Post offices opening early as well i think

Except gara doesnā€™t own them.
That is a fine gesture though.


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I donā€™t believe you.



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This lad would fit in well here with his attempts at ā€œlogicā€. Apparently Strabane was a week behind Lifford or something.

Even though the first case on island was in the wee six.

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Thatā€™s impressive bluster and deflection from you there.

The facts are there for all to see and come to their own conclusions rather than any old crap emanating from Mount st.

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Totally agree. No specifics. Of course the usual suspects fawning over him.

Deaf and gay.

The usual suspects will be seething Harris has ripped off a British army recruiting slogan.

As many as 24,000 former healthcare workers have contacted the Irish health service to offer their help after the countryā€™s government issued a call to arms.

Retired doctors, nurses, therapists and university students with sufficient skills to register with the health service have been calling in, Reuters reports.

The health minister, Simon Harris , has promised there will be no financial limits to the recruitment programme and no constraint on the numbers to be hired, telling prospective candidates: ā€œYour country needs you.ā€


A large proportion of the Unionist community up north would rather take reckless direction from Westminster than good direction from the WHO. Just to differentiate themselves from Dublinā€™s path. See also Ben Lowry and Owen Polley today.


Thatā€™s wonderful, same is happening here. Incredible bravery from everyone in the front lines of health care systems, as they are quite likely to get infected.

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That sort of blinkered ideology, the ideology that you reject basic objective truths and science because the other side accept them, is far from confined to Northern Unionists.

ā€œas many asā€
Ie pulled that figure out of my arse