The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I thought Ireland was self sufficient? OK it will mean a lot of spuds and meat, but it would be better than the UK who is an importer of food, its like Armageddon here right now in the supermarkets

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In the UK having children at home that are usually fed in school is a big swing in how provisions are required/allocated.

Stormont health minister just said we’re looking at 80% infection rate, 1% mortality = 9000 deaths…hes increasing icu beds to a total of 200
He also mentioned a surge of biblical proportions in the next 2 weeks.
Is the croke park drive through open to nordies?

They played a clip of Eamon Ryan in The Dail today, on Drivetime there.

He came across as unhinged.

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They tested a lot last week but this would be a serious ramping up of tests

what will we do when the government take all our money off us? they will take over all the bank accounts. that’s they way it going, the global economy is totally fucked for a year, this is way worse than ww2. Its very hard to see a way out. My pension is totally gone, I don’t care

427 dead in Italy today, 3405 total, now greater than China

this is stomach churning

They’ll have to order in more tests.

I’ve a pain in me bollix

All the Cs I got have been devalued by this

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Well I assume they have the pipeline from the Belfast and Dublin companies producing the quick ones.

I know UCD are doing a lot of the results, not sure what their capacity is.

Down from 475 yesterday, is this the start of a trend or merely an outlier…?

This Sidney fella has you eating out of the palm of his hand.

When civilisation falls, next September or there abouts he’ll be garnished some of that lettuce

We’ll be eating steak for breakfast while John Bull is eating his National pride to get by.


They are both ridiculously high. You couldnt say it’s a downward trend. Its nearly worse if anything.

Another 2000 + cases in Lombardy today

Italy has overtaken China

The poor bastards.