The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

You said they purposely withheld information and buried the severity of the virus? To what end?

Your president did the exact same, and he definitely knew how serious it was.

We can take this to the other thread

George Lee isnā€™t a good man to have out in the front of this

In fairness, Iā€™ve eaten a few very dodgy Chinese in my day as well :wink:

If Semple Stadium offers a similar response we should see a major reduction in numbers reported!

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Poor Simon Harris is withering before our eyes.


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The town has changed a lot. The Shamrock quit the discos so all that crowd poured into McKennas and Seamieā€™s real clientele had to move to the Cosy, which is a lovely little spot at the moment and lives up to its name, with very nice live music. Weā€™re talking about the absolute epitome of Monaghan weirdness, stranger even than peak McKennas. The Cosy currently has a cohort regulars who turn up to drink in drag (in the middle of Monaghan town). I cant see these people without thinking about the kicking they would have gotten even just 10 years ago. I think this is all great craic but itā€™s too much for any of my mates who now want to drink in Terryā€™s.

(Iā€™ve left an open goal there for any poster, who will take the open goal?)

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FG need to relinquish sole control over thisā€¦pretty soon itā€™s gonna be beyond them.

I donā€™t know. Too may cooks spoil the broth.

I think Eamon Ryan is legitimately having a mental breakdown.


Not enough Chiefs and too many Indians.

The country is standing on the edge of the abyss.

Go wayā€¦ You for real?

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Ah dodgy :joy::joy::joy:


God Bless single use plastics and the protection they give our foods.

What a turn around for them in 3 months.


Because thatā€™s how they operate. Iā€™m not saying they did it to cause a pandemic, a pandemic resulted from their actions and inaction. After they knew it was SARs like, they needed to take swift and draconian measures to shut it down. How can you reconcile that with allowing 5 million leave Wuhan 3 weeks later and allowing hundreds of millions travel internally and externally 3 - 4 weeks later.

Iā€™m not going to comment in this thread on the US or UK. Clearly no western government took it seriously at the beginning, they were either ignoring the science or hoping it would fizzle out. Most importantly no western country has prepared for a pandemic like this at all as some Asian countries have.

Was it a repeat?

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It was something to do with darts

Could last into April? Its 1 million to 1 that rhe schools are open before april

Id say 500 to 1 open before May