The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Sure the same day he announced it they announced the extra hospitals. He obviously knew then it was completely out of control.

Heard from someone who had been living in China and returned last week. They have to seld isolate for 14 days. They were escorted from the airport to their apartment. An order was taken for food and then an alarm fitted to the apartment door. Anytime the door is opened it will trigger the alarm and alert the authorities.

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Not sure it would even matter if China banned wildlife farming at this point. Once its been established the demand is there the genie is already out of the bottle

Iā€™m not buying into any narrative. China fucked up initially.

I donā€™t for one second believe it was done on purpose or nefariously which is what you are dancing around but not actually saying

Is it under control now did he say?

So the thing about bats is they are a host for hundreds of viruses, and most important the viruses donā€™t bother them, something to do with their immune system. So viruses can live on bats and mutate on bats to their hearts content. Itā€™s a very long shot for a bat virus to mutate to something that can infect another mammal or a human but it obviously happens, as it just happened.

Well, if they didnā€™t ate bats they wouldnā€™t be in the wet market mixing with other animals. So it deffo does stem from the fuckers atin bats.


I know a lot of lads in Monaghan with the disease

Wrong. Its the chickens atinā€™ batshit thats the issue not the humans atinā€™ bats

Just realised the recent members @Thomas_Brady has no idea of the brilliance of @Tassotti. Welcome back mate


How are chickens atin bat shit? They donā€™t usually mix.

whatā€™s that now?

Batshit is a delicacy in chicken high society

Whst came first, the chicken or the bat shit?

Which disease though? Thereā€™s plenty of diseases walking around the town.

Theyā€™re domesticated though. These cunts are domesticating all sorts of wildlife them putting them alive In Cages one on top of the other then eating them. Itā€™s no wonder there viruses are jumping.

Iā€™m not saying it was done deliberately, stop trying to create a false narrative, leave that shit to Sid.

The way the country is ran is what led to this. Provincial organizations are scared shitless to do anything to cause trouble, as everyone knows down to the individual level if you cause trouble you disappear. Their whole society is based on controlling information flow, suppressing free speech and loyalty to the leader.

Think about the doctor in Wuhan who raised the alarm, was brought in for questioning and threatened, and sent back to work where he died trying to save people. Maybe they should have listened to him.

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Some people just look at an average lump of batshit and think to themselves ā€˜oh look its just another average lump of batshitā€™ Not chickens though

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Did he say what year?

No good ever came from eating bats

In the geopolitical wars that will surely follow on from this Iā€™d sooner take our chances with the bats than the Chinese