The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

McWilliams up now

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Those two medics looked seriously panicked

@Appendage as the forums resident economist and chief finance expert in general, is McWilliams right or stone mad? Helicoptor money straight into out bank accounts, wtf?


What channel?


Makes more sense than QE with gibmving money to banks to lend and charge interest. 1500 a head would encourage spending get the wheels of the economy turning again

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Genuinely canā€™t understand this McWilliams idea in the slightest??
He was saying on his podcast give everyone 1k each. Most people arenā€™t lacking cash and the ones whoā€™ve lost their jobs two weeks wages will make fuck all difference to them. Sure thereā€™s nowhere open to spend it!
Genuinely baffling

Itā€™s perfectly understandable. Will go straight back into economy and have a multiplier effect

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Did MM intentionally leave out pubs there in his list of hospitality industries worth keepingā€¦ :thinking:

Thatā€™s what the US are doing, makes perfect sense. Short term obviously, but a lot of people in the US at least have no income right now or savings.

If he gave it all to the people who lost their jobs I could see some merit to it

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Is Martinā€™s breathing bad here?

Hard smell it from west limerick kid

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Iā€™m not listening to him tonight so he may have addressed some of the issues but itā€™s the practicalities that would kill it. What if like Bertie Ahern you donā€™t have a bank account? Not to mention the fact that itā€™s absolutely illegal for the Irish Central Bank to do anything like it, or is he pressing for it to happen ECB wide now?

He is ā€˜wearing the green jerseyā€™, heā€™ll be grand. I did note Yatesy leaving out Cheltenham in his list of stuff the Govt forgot to advise the public on. Iā€™m paying careful attention to these cunts now as we all should

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Thereā€™s a name not heard in a long time.

Yates nailed the rugby alright, martin tacked on Cheltenham

Yatesy isnā€™t actually too bad when hes interviewing one on one

All of a sudden everyone is worried about the north being part of the UKā€¦ Funny how people only give a fuck when their life is affected.