The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

He said Ireland has it in its power to act unilaterally on this

It does not. Wouldn’t be much of a currency union if it did.

Hes a bit shouty which can tend to get interviewees to close up

Looking at the stats - is there much sense that Italian visitors caused much transmission? Far more seems to have come from Irish being abroad. Prob too early to tell of Cheltenham impact yet

The right way, the wrong way or my way.


That probably won’t be known for a long while, if at all. It would be hard trace a contact who was here for a day infected someone and fucked off

For these two or three months I am lucky enough that I will still get paid and so will my wife. I will have no childcare or diesel costs. No pub no bookies

I havent spent a fucking penny in 10 days bar the weekly shop

Why would they give me free money?


There’s definitely far too much being made of both things. It was initially in kind of wind up way by anti rubby anti horsey people that spiralled but I don’t think it’s had that big an effect. I doubt fuck all people in England or Spain are talkin about Liverpool atletico for eg.

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Have you the mortgage paid off?

Actually don’t feel the need to answer that. Shouldn’t have asked

No but that’s not an incremental cost to me. Point is I will havr more spare cash in 3 months time than i would in normal circumstances…why give me more? Its not going to drive me to spend more

Target the cash where it is needed

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It might take too long to means test it to make it feasible

Free cash for everybody

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I mentioned on some other financial advice type thread that we’ve been overpaying our mortgage (against the forum’s advice) as we’d like to be free of it before our child gets to college age. We’re going to stop overpaying now, as our mortgage protection cover will pay off the mortgage balance in full if the virus kills one of us.



That clip from Dr Motherway should be replayed on every news bulletin tomorrow


I don’t know at all. There’d need to be some condition that it has to be spent within a few weeks. Otherwise a lot of mane cunts would hoard it.

I’m starting to feel that a rigid lock down is what we now need to flush this thing out. All cases should be known in 2 weeks if we stall now, there won’t be extra cases if we do it and presumably be less after it. The uncertainty is desperate.

The only reason it hasn’t been done is because they’re trying to keep the economy alive. Yet the the longer the half arsed lockdown goes on the worse it will be. Payments are drying up.

This is awful.

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It probably does but would bankrupt itself doing so without the ECB printing money.

The problem is if we locked everything down now, for a month and we have no new cases. How do you ensure we don’t get any more new cases once we lift the lock down? I suspect travel bans are going to be in place for a long time.

Travel ban would seem like the only answer until this thing abates. Or look at what Taiwan are doing.

Hilarious if true

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