The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

There’s no way around it, a good chunk of us have to get it to get the economy back up and running.

Have ye had a chat about who should go?

In the absence of a well developed strategy it’s an ideal time for faking your own death, fraud & generally "taking someone out ".

Agreed. Full duck or no dinner. Lock the thing down or stop pretending.

Every single sector would haver to bear a cost, but the show will go on, eventually.
In the meantime, the ongoing uncertainty will do more damage to liveleyhoods than anything else possibly could.
We are still in limbo and while that situation exists more businesses’s will go bust, more workers will lose their jobs. ie More confusion, no money, more idle time, no contact, does not good concoction make.

I would dearly hope that its understood that there is obviously a graver consequence underlying all of this, lock it down now and the sooner we start preventing needless deaths the sooner we can focus on putting Humpty Dumpty back together again


Brolly was in cheltenham.

It doesn’t mean he’s not right

They are waiting to see if measures introduced last weekend - schools, pubs, recommend work from home - have the desired effect. They won’t have full picture until mid next week. If they don’t like what they see they’ll
increase those measures. My sense is most people are taking this seriously and have dramatically adjusted their behaviour. If you go “full lockdown” do we have the resources to send teenagers and young people home off the streets etc

John Obi Mikel Respect!

Thats a tough one. It would be a hard call but I’d say if our army called up a few reserves and perhaps had some backup from An Garda Siochána, we would stand a fighting chance against the teenagers on the street

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I was very positive yesterday evening. Now I’m full of fear.

The legislation will only make people stay in their house if a medical professional considers them a risk

Let’s stick to facts guys

Vast majority are taking it very seriously but any decent weather at all and you see large gangs of teenagers out hanging around together and then going back to their family homes in the evening. Some seem to think it’s grand to congregate in groups as long as it’s outside in the open air.

Expect more rough than smooth in a time of crisis but stay strong. More people love and rely on you than you will ever know. Now a winner for Dundalk tomorrow please

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It’s time for a full lock down now lads. 6 weeks it isn’t that long. WE HAVE TO GO INTO LOCK DOWN.

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Gatherings are a risk. Thats the reality. Temprorary legislation will be invoked if the figures keep going up on a par with today. Any teenager worth a fuck will still find a way to get shitfaced, don’t worry

Its ok man. It’s natural.

We will get through this, theres every chance the measures we are taking now are going to help us out


Legislation is being drawn up. Nothing about lockdown

Wise move you will be mid 50s when your child goes to college sage forumites like myself who bought our houses and had our kids in our 20s like myself have no such worries.

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Bergamo ED footage, maybe not for the faint of heart


for what then?