The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Plans is superfluous in that statement, no?

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The HSE and indeed CMO from the Dept. of Health have taken zero accountability for anything. Hospital beds, cervical issues, etc.

Their issues are well known and for me only a properly aggressive Health Minister can cut the bullshit and drive that change now.

However, they do not control the movement of people and cant by themselves ensure checks are executed at points of entries to the state. Its a government decision and I dont see Harris or the outgoing establishment doing anything to change that.

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This cunt is going to get us all infected.

South America is a write-off.

We should just stock up on vitamin C tablets and let it in to fuck. There’s no way to keep this out.


it’s already here
 we’re just waiting for confirmation.

of the 80k cases, only 100 are of young childer or babies
 it seems youngsters can get it but may not even display symptoms
 the older you are the more prone you are to the severe side of the virus, but even then you may feel no more than cold like symptoms

I’ve a drop of this saved in the fridge for you.


that and a bottle of poitin would see anyone right through this mess.

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Sid can’t wait for this to kill millions in the US so he can be right about Trump



Vitamin C not worth a shit.

Ester c is where it’s at.

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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The rugby match is off.

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Bedlam if the Munster round robin is affected in May & June.

shit. just. got. real

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Watch this to get a sense of what’s coming

saw it many moons ago, and the parody homega man.

**[quote=“artfoley, post:1016, topic:30233, full:true”]
shit. just. got. real


That’s the end of @Turenne on the ravenous thread


its not looking good for @Juhniallio either

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Schools by where I work have closed in Birmingham. Ski trip to Italy. It seems every school in the UK and Ireland were in Italy last week. Judging by the area , the virus won’t last long.