The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Theyā€™ve been watching too much Doctor Who at St. Vincentā€™s.

We are not dealing with Daleks here.

Oh dear. This changes everything.

You could get cracking on learning stairway to heaven

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Everybody wants to go to heaven, but no cunt wants to die

Or highway to hell

Cheltenham needs to be called offā€¦ The amount of drunken roaster Irish at that thing, falling around the place and slobbering snot and beer all over themselves and everyone elseā€¦ It would be a disaster. Half the country would be infected in a week on their return.

It will 100% either be called or those attending will have to go into quarantine on returnā€¦


The Coronavirus may arrive here but itā€™s going to have a tough time getting into Dublin due to the terrible public transport links from the airport.

My sources tell me that, barring a CATASTROPHE, it will proceed as planned.

That would be retarded. Youā€™d literally be opening the Flood gates.

You wouldnā€™t be long changing your tune if it was a Star Trek convention that was in jeopardy.


Teachers love an auld day off. cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

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Grow upā€¦just because you want to gambleā€¦ Pathetic.

No thats what theyre doing to the poor fuckers in Clonlara

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We will see

Gambling on Cheltenham is the surefire way to lose money. Iā€™d sooner bet on the XFL.

Sure are you surprised lads who gamble with their childrenā€™s financial futures are prepared to gamble with their health.

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Any luck on it? I havenā€™t watched much of it.

No idea. My son is my life now.

Btw pay your dues, he needs a second playmat for the games room.

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Iā€™m in Sligo. Should I take precautions?