The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Yes. But not because of coronavirus


No man. The game got you now. Nothing to with Covid19. You in S-Town now kid

I’ll get to it over the weekend once I move some cash around and dig out my secret device for private business
 I’ll be paying for @Raylan also.

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Yes. Half the county is on a boil water notice. Don’t drink it.


Always rubber up mike

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Have you locked the gates yet? Did you learn nothing from Sarsfield?

Wait til the parents of the Limerick hurlers come out and say theyre worried about their kids out in Portugal

"One parent, who refused to be named, stated the fear amongst the families was for the welfare of the players but that was not specifically down to Covid19 and related measures.

‘Nah we’re not worried about the Corona Virus or nathin. We’re more worried what they’ll get up to on the phones d’ya know.’

The Vincent’s A&E looks nothing like that. :grimacing:

Irish whiskey sale in O’Briens lads. There’ll be no sales in vaccinations such as this in the months to come.

There are signs up in the airport, in Irish, to tackle this virus once and for all.

“An bhfuil tĂș Chinese?”


You are joking right?

Sidney won’t like that

sids dead baby, sids dead

This Sid fella has you driven around the twist.

not really, if anyone its you. the mere mention of his name and you’ll appear, you must have been a longterm fan, a misinformed one at that if you were told that I’d doxx him. sure who would i doxx him to seeing as hes a carer
 or is he?

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Aye, you’re driven around the twist alright.

that offer for a coffee still stands buddy

@Dziekanowski, Trump and the WHO are all aligned in their attitude to the virus.