The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

He’ll sleep through it


There are now 650 coronavirus cases in Italy

From CNN’s Hada Messia in Rome

The Head of Italian Civil Protection Angelo Borelli said 650 people have tested positive for Coronavirus in Italy.

Referring to the new figures, Borelli said that the sudden raise in numbers was because the Lombardy region did not properly update the Italian Civil Protection Agency.

“The big jump from yesterday (Wednesday) is because yesterday we didn’t have the latest numbers from Lombardy,” he said.

The Italian official added that 35,000 masks have been sent to the affected areas.

Earlier today, the Italian Civil Protection agency said the total number of cases was 528.

He’s quarantined in the break room the last 3 hours. Buts that’s just standard operating procedure for him

Fucking Italians will kill us all

what’s new says you…i always suspected a TFK man would destroy the country… There’s enough loon balls here. Still tho, Wan of our own kid… I’m not going near the secret group until it’s cleansed

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We need to erect a border with the north

He was telt the other day to close the gates and he wouldnt listen

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26 county socialist republic always had a nicer ring to it.

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Saw it off and leave it drift

They had their chance. I’m willing to sacrifice Monaghan, Cavan and Louth as well if needs be


From birr up

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What the fuck were they at ?

And bury you under it

Would obviously depend on the contagion criteria i.e. hows it spread which seems to be physical contact of some sort with bodily fluids. The air changes/pressure /humidity required in the controlled environment of a plane would ensure some of the moisture would have to be recycled e.g. if someone coughs/sneezes there’s a fair chance you’ll get some of it circulated.

More importantly however at this point is not to get bogged down by scientific/medical evidence and concentrate energies on conjecture and help promote some form of mass frenzy!

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Dublin is as good as gone lads… Lock em in.

Presume If this makes it to Africa it’ll wipe the poor cunts out

For most people it wont be any worse than a cold or flu.

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has been very quiet lately, has he been visiting the mother country?

I was getting change off an auld shop assistant there and she was coughing into her hand while getting it .I asked her was there a poor box around , she said i think so , i said throw it in for me please ,and walked out . I left the bones of 3 quid behind me .