The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


**[quote=ā€œanon78624367, post:1194, topic:30233, full:trueā€]
From birr up

Throw Tipperary in to sweeten the deal

No. Heā€™s still looking for the reverse gear on the forklift

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Fantastic anecdotal evidence of how the lower classes will always suffer disproportionately in any form of crisis.

I usually couldnā€™t be arsed reading randomers* comments on Facebook but itā€™s actually gas some of them about this. People very touchy altogether. Would be a good time to be a WUM.

*seems to be mainly females aged 40-60 doing most of the comments on news outlets social media pages these days for some reason

Lads Iā€™m on my day off.



Nice knowing you kid. Thanks for the use of the season ticket the other dayā€¦ A nice way to part.

Fuck off. You robbed my cans when I was 15. Iā€™m taking that bitterness to the grave


You let someone rob your cans? Youā€™re not from Limerick at all

Tune into joe Duffy at some stage. All aul wans predicting the apocalypse.

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Then Iā€™ll have a covid19 with fried rice please

I wasnt prepared to die for the change . Iv my whole life in front of me . That poor lady will be gone by next week and circle k will have someone else in without blinking an eye.

Yup, ship em in and ship em outā€¦thats why we pay the high taxes :wink:

Long story :roll_eyes:

How is your driving tour of Ireland going?

You let someone rob cans off you. You donā€™t deserve cans


I wasnā€™t present at the time of robbery. It was a sneaky behind my back move. Iā€™d hauled a massive gearbag of bulmers from town out past Shannon Banks too

Grand. Iā€™m at home this evening. Cork in the morning. Reckon Iā€™m a prime candidate to pick up this virus. 1500km done already this week