The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Seems not , massive reflection on teaching staff in that ilk. Not clever enough to be Primary teachers, the lot in school who never excelled but would never drop an honours subject and " put the effort in " invariably became second level teachers. Some good but a lot of want transferred with it.

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Exactly the sort of incompetence you’d expect from Trump, to be fair.

Protecting their Jews😂
The Vichy government were French mate, stop making excuses for them.

Frenchies installed by the Germans. This is just pathetic. Do you think if the Germans took over the US there wouldn’t be Americans who would help them round up jews?

Of course there would. But, America is the sanctuary that millions of Jews fled to and were welcomed. More Jews here than in Israel, wonderful people, one of the finest of human cultures.

Unfortunately, there was a strong anti-semitic undertone in France after the Dreyfuss affair.

Evidence has come to light that France were deporting Jewish people to Auschwitz without order or instruction from Germany.

The Vichy government had plenty of support within France. Chirac acknowledged the French role in the holocaust and called it an emotional burden for all of France.

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There was strong and violent anti-semitism all over Europe at the time, they were the fall guys for all things that went wrong. The evidence is every country was very willing to give up their Jews and rid them of their influence. For the same reason people distrust Jews today, they are “money hoarders, bankers, rich, control the media, etc.”. It’s the most naked form of racism.

Israel was founded on the remnants of surviving Jews, less than 10% or even 5% of the populations of their original countries, along with literally every Jew who lived in Arab countries and were expelled with no more than the shirts on their backs. The definition of a displaced people.

Yet after all this the modern intellectuals of Europe still regard Jews as the problem, stealing their living from the poor Arabs they displaced. Ignoring of course that all of Europe is based on peoples who were displaced. Ignoring the fact that the Jews built the only democracy in the region, a home to a million Arabs inside their borders, an absolute bastion of democracy and freedom compared to their neighbors.

It will never be enough, for we must hate the Jews, they did kill Jesus after all.

Don has it covered lads, everything is gonna be alright

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I’d prefer to be in the good old USA right now buddy than a country that is waving travelers from coronavirus infested northern Italy through immigration (that’s if there is anyone at immigration).

Ireland stands with Italy and all her brothers and sisters. We do not turn our backs on our friends

What have the Italians ever done for Ireland mate?

Over 2,000 cases in Korea, 655 in Italy. 17 dead in Italy, 26 in Iran.

If ever a post summed up TFK


Italia ‘90. Kick started the Celtic Tiger if you believe some people.

You’d think with the amount of times he refers to borders, he’d be able to spell it correctly by now.

Our sales achievers award trip to Vietnam has been cancelled and a new destination being sought. I hope its New Zealand.
Everything on the line as we fast approach EOFY.

Jeezus! @Batigol You are the gatekeeper. TFK was depending on you and you take a day off!

Fuck me mate, this was no time to work to rule!

You’ll get the steak knives instead.

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