The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


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So which airlines are going to go bust over this?

whatever about airlines, it could be the coup de grace for boeing

So you’re saying it’s a case of Boeing, Going?

Handwashing tips now on the Sean O’Rourke show on RTE. Buy hand gel, say our experts. If it’s sold out because of the PANIC, make your own, there’s a recipe apparently, which they didn’t go into.

Reminds me of a Delia Smith programme where she had a segment on how to make toast.

But this time we are the toast.

Do NOT book a trip to Japan in two or three months time, says our expert.

That’s @Mac fucked.

boeing, going, gone

"Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan told RTÉ News that the individual [who travelled through Dublin Airport on her way home to Northern Ireland from northern Italy]. who was infected came forward and followed the instructions given by health authorities.

The individual followed advice in reporting concerns to a GP and “self isolated” at home whilst awaiting the results of testing.

He said the HSE was contacting people who sat within two rows of the person on the plane and any staff who had direct contact with the woman."

@Batigol let us know what happens when the HSE give you a bell

Bella from Fair City is on RTE Radio now asking a question about the Coronavirus.

The Bella from Fair City.

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I’ve a touch of a sore throat this morning :grimacing:

Tony is a Limerick man with a Kilkenny background.

Does that increase or decrease your fears?

That flight came in a few days ago, on your shift… You’ve set the republican cause back a generation you steamer.

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I was never notified ergo I am now 100% safe

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Talk about global exaggeration, scare mongering of the highest order.


I can confirm the pharmacy in Drom is sold out of hand sanitizer and surgical masks.

Tis serious bizness now.

Too late @TheBird @Batigol let a Nordie in to travel the length & breadth of the country before turning herself in for treatment. He’s killed you.

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Lough key forest park wan year only. I can still remember what an absolutely brilliant day it was.

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Having never sold any of either before