The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


OK. I’m making a run at a few pharmacies , what do I need… Anything with paracetamol, calpol for the boss, hand sanitizer and a load of Valium?

Smell of ROD off ye.

Get a few bottles of Exputex. Just because it tastes nice.

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How were shares in hand sanitizer and face masks doing before this outbreak?

It reminds me of how the US floral business was on it’s knees just before 9/11, then heypresto, a few billion was spent on flowers in the days and weeks afterwards.

We’ll soon run out of face masks and PPE for the hospitals. All that shite is made in China!

I was on EBay yesterday.

1000 surgical masks will cost approx 1070 euro

3 ply though

You’re at nothing if you don’t have 4ply +

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This virus seems to be driving up the standard of personal hygeine in rural areas. Every cloud.

Forget the pharmacies Mouse. We’re all dead anyway. 'Tis the off licences you need now. Cases of Jameson Eat, drink and be merry …

You’d be as well off to go out and catch it now while tis winter and there’s fuck all else on, on away out today and start shifting Chinese birds in the Airport

This is the crowd to invest in lads - Fill your boots!!

The masks are fairly useless lads. All a bit of a myth


There was a guy from Kilmallock on Newstalk business this morning. He runs a business making surgical masks. He normally produces a million a week but is doubling his output. A lot of producers import components from China but supply chains are messed up at the moment. Fortunately he only sources local supplies so he is flying it.


They have to be n95 masks otherwise your at a thing called nothing.

Yeah that’s my man.

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Jaysus tis falling lovely for him

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