The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


Sums up a lot of posters here too.

Got masks, got hand sanitizer.



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This eejit probably just gave the virus to his daughter live on Fox News.

Italian guy in the job sent home today to self quarantine. His Italian house mate was sat within two rows of the the infected person in Belfast :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth: and has been contacted by HSE.
Office getting deep cleaned over the weekend. Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll have to self isolate also from Parkrun.



Nothing says ā€œweā€™ve got this under control and are not absolutely shitting itā€ more than barring your top disease expert from speaking publicly.

The HIV superspreader of a vice-president has got this, yeah!

We must work in the same place got the exact same news todayšŸ˜·

@Rocko can you ban any post with trump in it or failing that just ban @Dziekanowski. Its fuckin painful having to wade through that shite on every thread.


Probably been posted already, but worth repeating.

The largest study thatā€™s been done so far, looking at 72,314 patient records on China. Similar to flu data, those at risk of serious illness or death are the elderly and those with existing health conditions like heart disease and diabetes. 80% of those infected only experience mild cold like symptoms, less than 5% reach critical status and half of those die. The calculated mortality rate was 2.3%.

An interesting data point is the disease is more dangerous for men than women, with a mortality rate of 2.8% for men and 1.7% for women. Thereā€™s no firm conclusions on that, the working theories are that women have stronger immune systems than men, and a high percentage of Chinese men smoke while Chinese women donā€™t.

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If 80% only got mild symptoms then the numbers who got it must surely be far higher.


Agreed. Most people with mild to moderate symptoms would never seek medical help, and when you see how strictly they are dealing with it there must be serious incentive not to seek help unless you are in a bad way.

Lads shit just got real. I was supposed to go home to Monaghan this weekend but the aul doll just texted me to say that my da has been told to self-isolate. He went to the doctor today and apparently ā€œmay have been in contact with someone suspected of having coronavirusā€. This will be confirmed officially to him in the next few days but he should preemptively self-isolate for the weekend. So now I cant go out drinking with my Monaghan mates this weekend.

I bet the whole country is fucking riddled with it and the northerners are the only ones testing properly

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Raw data from that study.

The other thing that jumps out is the 0% death rate in children under 10 so far.


Some great statistics there. Farmers having a higher fatality rate than nurses will come as a blow to many on here.


Olympics is 4/6 to be cancelled.

Great. Itā€™s only a circus for drug takers.

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Euro 2020 will be cancelled too i imagine.

Especially with the new format