The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The Trumpbots are anti-free speech.

They hate FACTS.

Cannon Fodder.

Generals like @Batigol would be hidden from view crouched over a map running war games.

Your problem is that youā€™re not following enough American lesbians on Twitter.

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Heā€™s destroyed you Sid and you havenā€™t even been to America.

Youā€™re seething mate, because Iā€™m winning.

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My source a close relative who is a Horse trainer says there is lower than zero chance that Cheltenham will be cancelled or postponed

How are winning? You are being driven demented my trump and heā€™s shortening for a second term. You are hoping people die to try and prove your points correct. Youā€™ve completely lost the plot.

Ouch. America is the laughing stock of the world.

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Youā€™re in a spin, pal. You canā€™t even write a four word sentence correctly.

The posters on this thread have let it be known what they want. They want more of me and my posts, and none of you.

Now sod off, like a good ladeen, there.

What a burn by AOC. OUCH.

The dumb Yanks have a president who doesnā€™t believe in science, and a vice president who doesnā€™t believe in science and is a HIV superspreader who was put in charge of dealing with the Coronavirus because he had literally nothing to do.


Say what you want about Fine Gael but at least theyā€™ll put people who believe in science in charge of dealing with this.

As usual, Iā€™ve called this correctly.

America is making a fool of itself as badly as @Enrique does any time he posts here.

[quote=ā€œDziekanowski, post:1461, topic:30233ā€]

Murica ![:grin:](upload://7x0RT4MuyZUT8BJpfuUBMJ8dnXd.png ":grin:")

[/quote]also itā€™s watery piss

He sounds too good at maths to be a horse trainer.

Dr. John Campbellā€™s daily updates on the situation are good.

With normal flu, somebody who has it infects on average 1.4-1.5 other people. A carrier of Coronavirus on average appears to infect up to 3 other people on average.

Medical care makes a huge difference to those infected. Therefore, somebody in a second world health system like Irelandā€™s will have a better chance of survival than somebody in a third world health system like the US.

Dr. Campbell says re-infection will not be a major problem - the best evidence says people will be immune once the virus has left them and he is very sceptical of the report of the re-infected woman in Japan.

Dr. Campbell is full of praise for the Chinese containment measures and the discipline of the Chinese people.

Good question. None of the chaps here that time left behind will answer. Too busy in their looney echo chamber.

Itā€™s not even 6am and Iā€™m in here SLAVING away trying to keep Ireland free of Corona and, as usual, shite is my thanks. Iā€™m getting an extra chocolate with my cappucino today


Thoughts and prayers.

I can understand why youā€™ want to keep Corona out but the limes are ok by me.

If you could keep it free of Covid-19 aswell the forumites would appreciate it.