The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Strange days indeed

At George Best International Airport everybody is dribbling, from their nose.

At Louis Armstrong International Airport people are blowing hard, their lungs are burning.

At JFK everybody’s brains are exploding.


The Yanks have got this under control, yeah…


Just giving a heads up to what I and my doctor both considered a very fucked situation. I just spent a week in Japan, a country at high risk for COVID-19. I wore a mask and essentially tried to stay away from most touristy places (not my first time there), but trains and stations are still packed with people, so there’s really not much you can do.

On arriving back to America (3 days ago), I developed a 102F fever, coughing, and aches. I went to a local hospital in Brooklyn’s ER. I informed them of my travel, they provided me a mask, and redirected me to a private room and followed infection protocols (full face covers, gloves, aprons, etc.). I had a chest x-ray and testing for flu/cold/pneumonia/and about 25 other viruses. They all came back negative.

At this point, the hospital called the CDC requesting permission to perform the COVID-19 testing. The CDC denied the request on the ground that I did not have the most life-threatening symptoms: chest pain and shortness of breath. According to everything I read it’s very likely not to have these symptoms if you’re in your 30’s and relatively healthy.

And… that was that. They discharged me, said I don’t have Corona virus, since they didn’t test me for it, and said I can ride the subway, return to work, do whatever I want.

Of course my doctor disagreed. She said I should treat myself as if I am infected. My partner is currently staying in a nearby hotel since we live in a studio apartment. I’ve performed a self-quarantine for 14 days. Fortunately I can work from home and my partner can deliver me groceries if I run out.

But I don’t think that many people are aware of the fact that they’re actively not testing people for COVID-19, even people who have travel history to high-risk places.

Edit : To answer some standard questions.

Do I still have symptoms?

Yes, Fever is current 101.6 (as of a couple hours ago), aches, and a cough that is persistent. I’m taking Tylenol and drinking a lot of water.

Is this real?

It’s as real as I said it is. I returned from Japan. I’m sick. The symptoms are similar to COVID19 and I was refused testing. You can believe whatever you want, I don’t care.

You have the flu?

Well, not according to my screens I don’t.

Edit 2: I’ve taken some media inquiries already.

Edit 3:

Imagine this stupid cunt went to an A&E thinking he might have the virus.


Come on lads, ban Sid again.


I don’t really think you can blame ordinary citizens for anything when the US government is calling the virus a hoax.

You’d be better off directing your ire at those who deserve it.

You can only really blame Trump. For this as well as everything else.

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They’ll be looking for a corona subsidy.

I’d also blame the rest of his regime but they are only stupid yes men who are only in the positions they are in precisely because they are stupid yes men.

Any sort of intellect or independent thought is the enemy of the US ruling regime, much like in the UK, that’s the reality we are in now - and there are posters here who cheerled the rise of such stupidity at every step of the way. They will never be let forget that.

Definitely dont blame the fool who thought A&E was the place to go to see if he had a contagious virus

Bizarre post.

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Why wasn’t he tested for Coronavirus?

Answer: the incompetence of the Trump regime in destroying the US’s capability to deal with a pandemic. Do you disagree?

The cognitive dissonance on this forum is hilarious. Lads who would be doing their fucking nut if anything remotely close to the incompetence on display in the US was happening in Ireland, are falling over themselves to defend that incompetence in the US.

Stupidity is a virus more contagious than anything this yoke can throw at them.

Bizarre poster, what would you expect.


Lads here now defending Catholic Church paedophilia. You couldn’t make it up.

Who is defending paedophilia?


Are you a victim of said abuse?

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It’s after triggering a few posters anyway…

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Why did you object to the comment if you weren’t?

What do you think is bizarre about being anti-paedeophilia?