The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The ones you’d expect it to.

You defended the teacher that raped the student.

More projection. I thought the post was bizarre. 1-Bringing up historical child abuse for the Craic on a thread about the corona virus is weird.
2-If you do think that the church are currently endorsing/enabling paedophilia, I’d imagine you’d want it stopped permanently, as opposed to being suspended.

I’m resigned to the fact Cheltenham will be cancelled.

I was responding to a post about the Catholic Church. How is that bizarre?

And explain how it’s projection, please?

You obviously missed the word “permanently”.

Again, it’s truly bizarre that one would object to an anti-paedophilia comment made in context.


Will you be able to use your 200 dockets elsewhere?

I’ve just clicked into here to see another thread ruined.

Yes, it’s really annoying.

The following posters need to stay the fuck out of it:

Their posts here amount to little more than organised. co-ordinated trolling.

I hope they’re happy with themselves.

Switzerland has banned gatherings of more than 1,000.

Spanish Flu (which originated in Kansas, not Spain) infected around a third of the world’s population. Our world today is obviously infinitely more interconnected than it was a century ago.

Coronavirus is more contagious than normal flu. Apparently, on average an infected person will infect between 2 and 3 other people, compared to a person with ordinary flu infecting arround 1.4-1.5 other people. And the symptoms take up to two weeks to manifest themselves, which is the real problem.

We’re now up to over 85k cases worldwide diagnosed so far. If the average sufferer is infeting to more people, do the maths for how that could spread around the world.

If, like the Spanish Flu, the virus spread around the world and infects a third of the world’s population, which is now around 7.8 billion (compared to 1.8 billion a century ago) and has a death rate of 1-2%, that’s anywhere between 27 million and 54 million people.

This is a ticking time bomb and it’s going to devastate the global economy as well, even if it’s brought under some sort of control. At some point, the spread will likely become so widespread, that measures to shut it down will have to be largely abandoned, because the world cannot come to an indefinite stop.

A cynical side of me says that certain world governments will be cheering this on both to save on pension costs, and as a method to implement more neo-liberal shock doctrine.

I’ve put my first ever poster on ignore and it’s amazing to see the amount of hidden replies on this thread as a result :sweat_smile:



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Think that @Mac poster has me on ignore

Despite all the jostling on here I actually like him

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I’ll let him know.


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy says despite all the jostling on here he actually likes you


I’d never ignore you mate. I like you too much. xox