The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

If there’s a case in Limerick, the regional will be like a warzone.

Luckily my children get their presents from Santa


A million little things will help. On their own they will do nothing. The point is, how long are free societies willing to put up with something close to lockdown on all non-essential movements. How long will supply chains be disrupted for. How long before economies shudder to a halt. Economies work on confidence, they’re effectively confidence tricks. The herd mentality is all important. The one thing this will do is destroy confidence. Why would you go to a cafe for lunch if the virus is spreading widely. Why would you go to the pub. Why would you take a holiday. How far do we go in stopping the movements and gatherings of people that make societies and economies tick. Lockdown might save some people in a medical sense but it will destroy jobs, and that means people can’t pay for things. There’s a potentially vicious circle at play here which could make 2008 look like a picnic.

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it’s a hoax

So why have you defended Trump calling the issue “a hoax”?

Why have you defended the US’s lack of preparedness for pandemic response, firing the chain of command, massive budget cuts?

Why have you defended putting somebody in charge, whose dealing with a HIV outbreak on his watch hugely exacerbated the problem?

Why are you defending Trump going against the advice of his own CDC in repatriating those people from Japan?

Why have you defended the disgraceful treatment of a whistleblower?

Why are you defending a regime for whom disinformation, not education, is clearly a priority?

How can you be taken seriously?

You are just scaremongering now. You make out like it’s going to wipe out civilization.

The virus is not a hoax, nor did Trump suggest it was. Suggesting that CDC and NIH funding has been cut is a hoax, and frankly spreads panic. The media at least in the US, are doing a shit job at spreading outright lies instead of trying to help educate the public. The “hoaxers” here are the lies Democrats, including those running for president, are spreading to incite fear and undermine the current US government.

Here are the facts. Biden in a speech a few days ago “We (Obama and himself) increased the CDC and NIH budget, he (Trump) wiped all that out, he cut the funding for the entire effort”. As confirmed by the AP, this is a complete lie. First of all Congress and not the president set the budget and fund organizations like the CDC and NIH, funding has increased in the past three years. Trump may have wanted to cut funding but he has zero control over funding.

To state funding was cut is just irresponsible and spreads fear and shows how desperate Democrats are to undermine Trump. Biden is obviously brain dead but it’s pretty sad to see Bloomberg, Bernie and Sanders at it as well.

So it’s a hoax so?

Are you as dense in real life as you appear here at times?

Nobody said the virus is a hoax, Trump said the way Democrats are lying about funding and how the administration is handing the crisis is a hoax.

Read this.

The bigger issue is instead of asking what can we do to help, Democrats are using the crisis to take pot shots at Trump and Pence, and are willing to lie and distort to the public in that effort. At a time when people are dying and the whole country fearful of catching a virus that might kill them.

As I said earlier, scumbags.

Bizarre they have called it a hoax with people dying.

These fucking yuppies and the skiing are going to be the death of us all.

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How did these cunts get back in at all.

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It’s quite shocking to see somebody shamelessly defending disinformation, lying to the public, and rank incompetence when the lives of millions of people are at stake.

But yet completely predictable.

That’s the world we’re living in nowadays. There’s a whole mountain range of bullshit facing truth these days.

People used to joke about that this sort of stuff would happen, because they never believed it would. Now that it’s here and has been for at least four years, we see the same people who joked about it before actively participating in its normalisation.

That’s how fascism works.

Article says it was posted 2 hours ago but I doubt it

Coronavirus: Case of Covid-19 confirmed in Republic (via @IrishTimes)

It was already in Ireland for ffs


Fergal Bowers coming live to RTE from his living room here