The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Are you projecting? Why don’t you respond to my very considered last post? Actually all my posts here have been very considered.

You’re just behaving like a complete nutcase and clearly intent on derailing the thread and making as a big a fool of yourself as possible.

I’ve been here myself Sid. Just walk away. It isn’t real life and you won’t win or find what you are looking for. Throw on the football and enjoy the evening. Who really knows what is coming next.


How can you put sid on ignore?

Funny you talk about not finding what you’re looking for, when you and others seem to be looking for a lad who no longer posts here. A sort of mass psychosis. You won’t find him.

France is banning all gatherings of large crowds. 2 race meetings behind closed doors next week and Ireland France game likely to be postponed

Honestly, that is just doing something to be seen to do something. What about gatherings at tourist attractions in paris?

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Sensible action from the French there.

what’s the first symptom of this thing?

Indoor gatherings with 5000 people or more

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Runny nose

If it continues in China for another 6 weeks apparently Smyth’s Toys will have a shortage for Xmas and there’ll be problems with school uniform stocks in September :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Because of the nature of the virus, any measures like this are at best only a tiny sticking plaster on a massive gaping wound.

The reality is that free societies are not prepared to endure the sort of lockdown that say, China can impose.

As I stated earlier, if this thing spreads as feared, there will come a time when containment measures may have to be largely abandoned. Who treats the infected, if hospital staff themselves are infected?

The only thing governments can do is test, test, test and make sure everybody knows how best to avoid getting the virus and exactly what to do if they suspect they may have it.

Truth is everything. Those who don’t tell the truth should face the consequences.

Rachel Maddow’s programme last night was both illuminating and frightening and well worth a watch for those who actually want to confront the possible real consequences of this thing.

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OK. I’m fucked.

In fairness, thats a good post and you’re right there @Dziekanowski

On the other hand, I’m hopeful that this virus is completely over egged.

We certainly dont want to go down the Chinese authotarion route.

Confirmed in Luxembourg


There was a chap on the radio today and I thought he made a good point. The spread is now inevitable and basically we have no chance of containing it, but as he said we have to continue trying to fight it as best we can, cancelling large assemblies of people etc. in order to give our health system a chance to cope. We might not be able to stop it but we can delay it, and that’s vital

Ffs Julio…this is the whole fucking point…

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First post on the thread:

The guy who politicised things in literally the very first post, is complaining about “politicisation”.

He complained about lying, which I think is pretty reasonable, every government has a moral obligation to tell the unvarnished truth about this.

Yet now, he’s all in defending the lies and incompetence from his own government, he’s all in defending the disgraceful treatment of the HHS whistleblower, he’s all in on calling it “a hoax”.

All because it was Trump.


Right-wingers have lost their minds.

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The biggest risk here is that health facilities getting completely overwhelmed with idiots like @anon61878697 because he has a runny nose. Even outside of this outbreak you see the same behavior every flu season, people flocking to doctors, clinics, A&E, etc. because they have a bad cold or the flu, something a doctor can do very little about as it’s viral and will resolve itself in a week or two at worst. Stay the fuck at home, take some over the counter medication and 99.9% will get better.

Education is the key here, this is not a particularly virulent virus unless you are elderly or immune compromised. It is nothing like the Spanish flu which killed 10-20% of those infected, young and old, or some of the nastier viruses like H5N1 or SARs/MERs. Those are the people that need protection from this virus, as if they get it there’s a good likelihood you will end up in hospital or worse.

If you want to help, take care of your elderly relatives or those old and sick in your community, do their shopping for them, or whatever else will help them stay away from public areas. And FFS if you are young and healthy stay away from health facilities, they will have enough to do.