The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Ali is the only source I’d believe out of Iran

Ali is sound, hurled with his Father!


Who was the bored member here who was a big supporter of them because they didn’t like the US? Was about a month ago?

This is an actual Republican candidate for Congress :smile: :smile: :smile:

And surprise, surprise, she’s a BIG fan of Ill Douche.

@anon7035031 calls pandemic response experts “useless bureaucrats”.

Where did they go indeed? The COVID-19 virus was first identified in Wuhan in late November/early December 2019 and yet five million people left Wuhan before the city was put on lock down on January 23 2020. Most of that 5 million left in the last few weeks of January to travel all over China and internationally for Chinese New year.


If you want to know Iran : wait for Johnny Ward’s tweets


Just for context, Kirkland Washington isn’t a rural place. It’s suburban Seattle. It’s an expensive neighbourhood to live in close to a number of multi billion dollar companies.

“a friend from iran”
" a group of people im friendly with who knew john delaney when he was younger"
“a colleague from israel has let me know”

“preparing a long piece for the 47 dot ie about match fixing - my DMs are open for anyone who wants to get in contact - already have the inside line on a few incidents last season”


im assuming he shares a student house with dan macdondald somewhere near DCU
they have their banter then when dan trys to pretend he is schooling him on twitter calling him “young man” and “son”

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Ali is a US puppet. The situation in Iran is completely under control, nothing to see here.

Australian old lad came up to me in a panic there saying he had observed a Chinese lady displaying symptoms of the virus on a BA flight from London.

Managed to locate the Singaporean lady a few mins later, who confirmed she was grand


RIP Batigol

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And so…it begins

close the forum .

The Pope has it… OMG, who has he been riding??

cc @anon26343222

I will pray for you at mass . Candle light .