The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I think you just observed some fairly run of the mill Australian racism there pal.

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Surely an old white aussie ā€œblokeā€ wouldnā€™t be a racist?

Iā€™d imagine he surely would.

@Sledgehammer will confirm that Dan Mc and JW did live together for many years. I could give the exact location but Iā€™d fear a backlash on Twitter


BIFFOā€™s :roll_eyes:

Centre of Ireland.

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Is this true does anyone know?

ę˜Æ ā€¦

Anyone around Mobhi road currently shitting themselves

Had those students already returned to classes last week?

From illness or anxiety?

Its going to come home to roost nowā€¦

Both. The school may or may not be thereā€¦

Whatā€™s the reason for the cloak and dagger stuff about where the school is? Surely itā€™s best to just name them so everybody will know?

Itā€™s not been named officially and @rocko could do without another legal case on his hands

Imagine if there was a teenage disco over the weekend near that school.

A copy of the letter is already on Twitter and the name of the school on it :see_no_evil:

Councillor Reilly can take the hit for posting it