The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Getting it now would give you best chance of survival before health services are overwhelmed assuming it gives you immunity.

Are you going out looking for it so? Jumping on people’s backs and licking their faces?

You could have a grand chape holiday for yourself in Italy in the process.

I heard a goy say “Can I get a bottle of virus please” to a barman at the weekend.




Should have tagged what I said . Now you look stupid [quote=“glenshane, post:1931, topic:30233, full:true”]

Incredible result for Ireland’s HSE to have the same amount of Coronavirus cases as San Marino and Monaco despite having far less (F1) GPs than them.

what’s the kill rate in Italy?

I’m calling this as under control now.

The fact it has not spread on airplanes or in underground transport means it is not as infectious as we thought. Still need to be vigilant.

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2.0% of confirmed cases.

Seems high.

'Seems high" based on what?

His knowledge of similar pandemics stretching back to February 27th.


you’ve been posting like a nutter on this topic… Should you not be out trying to contract it?

I wasn’t basing it on or against anything… It just seems a high mortality rate for a strain of the cold.

It’s not a strain of the cold you fuckwit.

'Tis awful this has to be spelt out for lads

a runny nose and a bit of a sore throat? Feeling a little unwell?.. That’s a cold pal.