The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Free of charge to the feds, not the patients themselves?

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This will be a new FG policy in the next government.

Thats an unfortunate still.

Pray for Mary Lou.

This is the doing of FFG.

4 more cases in the UK today.

2 more dead in France

Stay in Dublin and Belfast you bastards.

4 weeks of an incubation period suggested. lets see how many cases we have at the end of march

Cheltenham will have to be calledā€¦it would be crazy from an Irish point of view if weā€™ve relatively contained it and then a load of drunken coked up yahoos to go to the UKā€¦ Donā€™t know how youā€™d stop them tho.

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It would seem a whole pile of people have had it in Washington and not known. I wonder does that mean itā€™s possibly less fatal than feared.

If fellas have flights and accommodation booked theyā€™ll probably head over on the piss awayway.

just get @Batigol to detain them or refuse landing on the way back

The doctor on the radio this morning intimated as much. Mentioned something about taking comfort in the fact that as more accurate data comes out they are seeing its not as severe as first thought.

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That certainly seems the case.

But how long does it take to kill you? I may have dreamt this up but I thought I read 6-8 weeks?

We may as well go out and get it and have it over with

should we get ahead of the curve with whacky and zany t-shirts ā€¦ I survived covid-19 ā€¦ Covid free zoneā€¦ Corona lightā€¦

It is and unfortunately I have to admit my thoughts wandered to who rode ML to instigate the chain of events that culminate in said still!

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