Things I learned today (Part 1)

It’s in today’s Manchester Evening News. I copied the line directly.

It’s a run stretching 3,757 games, the latest coming at Arsenal when Paddy McNair and James Wilson were named on the bench.

But who are the players next in line to follow Wilson, McNair, Adnan Januzaj, Andreas Pereira and Jesse Lingard and make the step up?

If their definition is broad enough to include fellas like Januzaj & Pereira who they bought from other youth systems then I’m sure they easily fulfil the criteria.


Suppose, but that would have always been in the case with locals transferring between clubs in a large metropolitan area anyhow and those recruiting techniques would only have been in play for the last ten years and I don’t think Januzaj would have been in a squad without McNair, Welbeck or Wilson anyhow.

That the buttons on busy traffic lights in urban centres often don’t work.

Yeah I was wondering why the fuck he’d go via the coastal route. But I thought there’ll maybe some explanation for his stupidity.
We’ll see I suppose.

He might be in public sector and on a big mileage allowance. The man might be a god-damned genius.

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Nice one. I loves the mileage expenses, those and the subsistance, all tax free.

There’s a bloody Panti Bliss film. Wtf?!

Actually no explanation for me been a dumb fuck. Will go via Cork next month.

Belgium is Ireland’s third biggest export partner after the United States and the United Kingdom.

Belgium accounts for 13.2% of Irish exports (US 22.2% and UK 15.1%). Total exports to Belgium in 2014 were approximately €11.75bn.

What do we sell to the Belgians? Very surprised we trade so much with them.

Interestingly, when it comes to exports, Belgium ranks number three in the list, with the goods shipped heavily focused on pharmaceuticals for further processing.


They’ve been number 3 for a while now. Drugs mostly.



@briantinnion I believe its pharma related mate.

Following on from @Fitzy’s near-death experience, I looked up these Funnel Web spiders. I knew they were nasty little fuckers, but did not know that the male has a spur which is located on the third segment of the second leg. This tiny appendage is a lifesaver for the male as it holds the female’s fangs during mating.

Female Funnel Webs - they’d hand it back to you in a bag!

I read somewhere that it was mostly pharmaceuticals.

I did not know that ironmoth - I’ll be sure to look for it the next time I encounter one, from a safe distance.

Children under 6 can’t/don’t blush. Adults generally don’t either once they reach their mid-30’s.