Things I learned today (Part 1)

@Fitzy has a very big garden and drinks lots of water.


Iā€™ve got a big cock and drink lots of beer as well mate.

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Fitzy enjoys telling men he doesnā€™t know about the size of his cock.

It always seems to threaten them.

Surprising that people would feel threatened by a stranger boasting about his cock size alright.

Itā€™s very hard to unsmell certain things.

Jonathan Swift attempted to kill the word ā€œbanterā€ 300 years ago.

Prosopagnosia - an inability to recognise the faces of familiar people.

Just heard a women on RTƉ Radio 1 who suffers from this. Fascinating condition. She could be chatting away to you for hours, but walk past you in the street 10 mins later and walk right past you.

The bitch


I wish someone fucking killed it now

If Swift couldnā€™t do it, I suspect we wonā€™t.

He should give art foley a call, heā€™s been killing banter here for nearly 10 years.



I suffer mildly from this. Iā€™m really shit at recognising faces. Took a test for that and failed it miserably. Couple of interesting tests where you see photo fit images of people and then have to pick them out of a group of 4 in the next photo.

Things that make you feel old

The lady on with Fanning sounded like she had it bad - she even called it a ā€œdoseā€. She described some of the work-arounds sheā€™s developed over the years. For example, meeting a friend for a coffee in town at 3 - sheā€™d need to get there at 2:30 and be sitting reading a paper so the other person would have to come to her. Was kinda funny listening to her talk about her first few dates with the gent that became her husband.

Not sure where that ranks on the Prosopagnosia severity scale. Does it have much of an impact on your day-to-day life @Rocko?


Thats not a cobdition ye cunts. Its called marriage


It has social impacts that are really frustrating and probably wouldnā€™t be as magnified if I didnā€™t have a fear of phone calls. So Iā€™m not good face to face and Iā€™m not good over the phone. Get me online though andā€¦ well everyone loves me.

I have long intended having a card to bring with me that I can hand to people when I blank on them. Other than some occasional embarrassment it has no implications. I met my old football manager the other day, lovely guy, know him really well and had to do 5 minutes of chat where he asked me all about my new baby and my health and whatever and I hadnā€™t a clue who I was talking to but I toughed it out. Only after he left I asked the wife who Iā€™d been chatting to. Sheā€™ll often bail me out when she sees me in trouble. Iā€™d say I seem ignorant in situations like that because I donā€™t ask anything back, I just speak for as much as I can until the conversation ends.

Thatā€™s just a harmless example. There are times when it gets exposed a bit more awkwardly when the other person figures out Iā€™m blanking on them and calls me on it. But itā€™s probably more annoying when Iā€™m at a wedding or something and will rush away from someone approaching me because I canā€™t figure them out.

Work should be worse but I cope better for some reason. I guess email saves me from so much.


Itā€™s either Alzheimers or alcohol damage from your twenties. Or just getting old.