Things I learned today (Part 1)

Fair play dude. Keep on truckin!

A young woman who i briefly went out with when i was 15-16 got married there this week. Same young one when the chips were down one night told me she wanted to kill herself. In one of the few occasions in my life, it was me who ended the relationship. She was fucking balloobas, very hard work. Anyway she is now married and was looking smoking hot in the wedding photos. There’s hope for anyone. Good luck to your man.

Also as an aside a lot of women are nuts, not to be trusted, very superficial individuals. Because she sure was and most of them i know are.


A ton means a hundred and not a thousand.

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You’re not into the darts then, pal? A ton eighty, he needs to hit a ton plus here etc etc.

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I’m not mate, couldn’t get into it at all. Love the snooker though. I guess if I had been more open minded towards the darts I mightn’t have made such an utter fool of myself on the internet today.

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Don’t let it bother you mate. You’ve made a fool of yourself tonnes of times.


This morning I would have been upset by that remark but this evening I know it only means hundreds.


Croppy Boy likes trannies.

Flesh that out a bit there. Are you calling Freida Pinto a tranny?

I’m saying she looks like one in photos you are getting very excited about.

That the Wind Turbines in the Cork Harbour area can produce around €6,000.00 worth of electricity on a good day like today.

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Vernon Davis of the Denver Broncos and Vontae Davis of the Indianapolis Colts are brothers.*

  • both in the proper biological sense and the way that black people say it.
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That the motorway stop at the midway hotel in portlaoise is far superior to that shit heap Mayfield service station at junction 14. It’s a hidden gem. And it’s immediately off the motorway.

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What’s gem’ish about it? Nice coffee counter, an O’Briens, but after that? Not even a petrol pump.

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Hot milk with a good scoop of nutella is fucking lovely

Not as nice as six cans though.

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Now now.

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informative rating

Hill 16 is named after a battle in the Boer War