Things I learned today (Part 1)

The cream though mate, the cream :pint:

The town of Centralia in Penn State has been on fire for over 50 years

Is the town of Centralia twinned with Portlaoise @myboyblue?


Bill Bryson does a bit on it in his fantastically entertaining book, a walk in the woods. The film remake, not so entertaining. Id love to walk that appalachian trail, but im far too lazy and used to comfort.

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Sony still make Betamax tapes.
Although they are about to stop doing that.

This wan’s name is Rainey Qualley, she was on the Ian Dempsey Radio Show yesterday morning, shes a singer songwriter from Nashville

Tidy enough looking bird, she kinda looks familiar though, so I said I’d dig a little deeper.

And found this

The half naked lady in the fur coat from that scene in Mad Men, BOOM!

And to top it all off, she’s the daughter of rancher Paul Qualley and actress Andie McDowell. Cant beat the good genes.

Hon Rainey


Great work blue. Was only watching that scene in MadMen two weeks ago. Marvellous.

She has nice legs, which she is not afraid to show off. This is a good trait.

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Incredible scenes, she’s in Midlands Radio today :heart_eyes:

A hot bird that can sing and was in mad men :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Hon Rainey

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I’ve just completed reading Michael Foley’s excellent The Bloodied Field and he had it named as Hill 60 after a battle in Gallipoli (as opposed to the Boer War) and renamed as Hill 16 in the '30s in honour of the Rising.

I think you missed out on the joke there Braz, but cool story.

And a great book, which incidentally has this extract in it also

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Apologies, was the joke from another thread? I’ve been in and out of here a bit lately.

Yea, you’d have to have been there really.

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She was on COTY winner Darcy’s show this eve @mbb. I can’t say I watched but she’s practically one of our own after all the appearances she put in this week.

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